Releases: SkillsFundingAgency/dfc-coursedirectory
Releases · SkillsFundingAgency/dfc-coursedirectory
Ginetta v3.1.1
- Fixed an issue where multiple instances of SyncAll* functions would run concurrently
Ginetta v3.1.0
New features:
- UI improvements to Copy Course Details Run page (FE)
- UI improvements to Delete a course page with additional confirmation dialog (FE)
- Updated confirmation page for deleting a course (FE)
- Improved layout for Check and publish your course copy page (FE)
- UI improvements made to Edit course journey (FE)
- Additional background processing logic added to Bulk Upload to improve performance, allowing larger uploads to be submitted.
- SQL Apprenticeships now synchronise with Cosmos correctly
- Migration report updated to include data from March onwards
- Delivery modes now default to Employer when adding employer-based locations using Bulk Upload
- Fixed padding of dates in start date section of the Course Details screen