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Extendable class library for parsing string attributes


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Swift Package Xcode Project Cocoapods Carthage


The purpose of this library is to simplify the process of adding simple attributes to strings. Much in the same way that it's easy to add bold or italic text to this Markdown file this library's aim is to make it just easy to add similar attributes to String and NSAttributedString instances without the hassle of dealing with the intricacies of the process of adding attributes to NSAttributedString objects.


Stylizer is available through CocoaPods, Carthage and the Swift Package Manager.

To install via CocoaPods, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'Stylizer'

# or:
# pod 'Stylizer/Core'
# pod 'Stylizer/UI'

To install via Carthage, simply add the following line to your Cartfile:

github "SomeRandomiOSDev/Stylizer"

To install via the Swift Package Manager add the following line to your Package.swift file's dependencies:

.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")


Stylizing strings using this library couldn't be easier. After importing this library (Objective-C: @import Stylizer;, Swift: import Stylizer) simply call the stylize(with:defaultFont:customAttributesProvider:) extension method on your String, NSString, or NSAttributedString instance with one or more Stylizer objects. The result is a new NSAttributedString object whose underlying string has been modified to parse out the patterns defined by the stylizers with the corresponding attributes added in its place.

For convenience, this library provides two pre-configured stylizers, HTMLStylizer and MarkdownStylizer; each of them can be used to parse a attributes from a string containing (a subset of) properly formatted HTML or Markdown attributes, respectively. Each of these stylizers defines an enumeration that defines the kind of attributes that it can parse: HTMLStylizer.Style and MarkdownStylizer.Style respectively.


HTMLStylizer defines eight styles which it is able to parse:

  • bold: Text contained between a pair of <b> tags or a pair of <strong> tags (e.g. <b>bold text</b>, <strong>also bold text</strong>)
  • italics: Text contained between a pair of <i> tags or a pair of <em> tags (e.g. <i>italic text</i>, <em>also italic text</em>)
  • strikethrough: Text contained between a pair of <del> tags (e.g. <del>struckthrough text</del>)
  • underline: Text contained between a pair of <ins> tags (e.g. <ins>underlined text</ins>)
  • superscript (macOS Only): Text contained between a pair of <sup> tags (e.g. <sup>superscript text</sup>)
  • textColor: Text contained between a pair of <p> tags with an attribute of style="color:<text color>;" (e.g. <p style="color:blue;">blue text</p>)
  • backgroundColor: Text contained between a pair of <p> tags with an attribute of style="background-color:<background color>;" (e.g. <p style="color:red;">text with red background</p>)
  • link: Text contained between a pair <a> tags with an attribute of href="<link text" (e.g. <a href=""\>link\</a>). Optionally, including the title attribute will add a .toolTip attribute for macOS (e.g. <a href="" title="tooltip title">link</a>)

For the textColor and backgroundColor styles the color can be defined using any one of the following string formats:

  • HTML Hex Code: "#RRGGBB"
  • One of the basic or extended HTML color names
  • RGB Color: "rgb(r, g, b, <optional> a)" where r, g, and b are in the range 0 - 255 and a is a floating point number from 0.0 - 1.0
  • RGB P3 Color: "displayP3(r, g, b, <optional> a)" where r, g, and b are in the range 0 - 255 and a is a floating point number from 0.0 - 1.0
  • Grayscale Color: "gray(w, <optional> a)" where w is in the range 0 - 255 and a is a floating point number from 0.0 - 1.0
  • HSL Color: "hsl(h, s%, l%, <optional> a)" where h is in the range 0 - 360, s, and l are in the range 0 - 100 and a is a floating point number from 0.0 - 1.0
  • HSV/HSB Color: "hsv(h, s%, v%, <optional> a)" or "hsb(h, s%, b%, <optional> a)" where h is in the range 0 - 360, s, and v/b are in the range 0 - 100 and a is a floating point number from 0.0 - 1.0
  • CMYK Color: "cmyk(c, m, y, k, <optional> a)" where c, m, y, and k are in the range 0 - 255 and a is a floating point number from 0.0 - 1.0
  • Bundle Color: "bundleColor("<color name>", <optional> "<bundle identifier>")" where <color name> is the name of the color in the asset catalog and <bundle identifier> is the identifier of the Bundle in which the asset catalog containing the color can be found. If a bundle identifier isn't supplied, the main bundle is used.


MarkdownStylizer defines four styles which it is able to parse:

  • bold: Text contained between a pair of double asterisks or a pair of double underlines (e.g. **bold text**, __also bold text__)
  • italics: Text contained between a pair of single asterisks or a pair of single underlines (e.g. *italic text*, _also italic text_)
  • strikethrough: Text contained between a pair of double tildes (e.g. ~~struckthrough text~~)
  • link: Text contained between a pair of brackets, followed by a link contained within parentheses (e.g. [link](\))

Placeholder Attributes

Both the HTMLStylizer and MarkdownStylizer objects are configured to insert placeholder attributes for each of the attributes that parses from the Stylizer.attributedStringByReplacingMatches(in:range:) methods. More specifically, each of the defined stylizers' styles corresponds to one of the following respectively named attributes:

.stylizerBold, .stylizerItalics, .stylizerStrikethrough, .stylizerUnderline, .stylizerSuperscript, .stylizerTextColor, .stylizerBackgroundColor, .stylizerLink, .stylizerWritingDirection.

This is done, in particular, to make consistent the behavior of bold and italics styles. These two styles don't have corresponding UIKit/AppKit attributes, instead, one inserts the .font attribute with a font object that has bold or italic traits, or both. The issue with inserting a font at the time stylizing the string is that when that string is rendered, the UI element that renders that string (label, text view, etc.) might have a different font set to the object than what was used as the basis of the bold/italic font for the attribute. Additionally if there are pre-exisiting .font attributes in the attributed string that overlap with the bold or italics styles, those fonts should be used for the appropriate ranges as the "base" font for applying bold and italics styles. Furthermore, once the .font attribute is inserted into the string it becomes indistinguishable from any other .font attributes that might have existed in the attributed string that is being stylized. Therefore to ensure that the correct font is used when bold and italic styles are parsed from strings, these placeholder attributes are used at the time of stylizing and then converted to the appropriate fonts just prior to rendering.

It's worth noting that only the Stylizer.attributedStringByReplacingMatches(in:range:) methods for the HTMLStylizer and MarkdownStylizer stylizers insert these placeholder attributes. The stylize(with:defaultFont:customAttributesProvider:) extension methods on the String, NSString, and NSAttributedString instances perform the final conversion of placeholder attributes to UIKit/AppKit compatible attributes for rendering.


As a convenience, a StylizedLabel class is provided from this library (for Cocoapods, this is part of the Stylizer/UI subspec) for handling the intricacies of stylizing and placeholder attributes. When using UIKit (including Mac Catalyst) this class subclasses the UILabel class and when using AppKit, this class subclasses NSTextField. For AppKit, this class takes on the same properties as an NSTextField initialized using the NSTextField(wrappingLabelWithString:) initializer (wraps, non-editable & non-selectable).

Use of this label couldn't be simpler. After initialization simply set the stylizers that you want this label to use to its stylizers property and then set a string or attributed string to the label:

// UIKit

let label = StylizedLabel(frame: .zero)

label.stylizers = [MarkdownStylizer()]
label.text = "For more information, click [here]("


This label uses the currently set font for resolving bold and italic placeholders. If the label's font is updated, the final .font attributes representing any bold or italic placeholders are updated as well.

As an added convenience, this label has a delegate (StylizerLabelDelegate) that defines a callback method for when the user taps/clicks on a link inside of the label when user interaction is enabled for the label.

Custom Stylizers

Creating custom Stylizer objects to represent your own styles is incredibly simple. Under the hood, Stylizer utilizes the power of Foundation's NSRegularExpression engine for doing the heavy lifting for search and replacement of styles. To create your own Stylizer you need only to initialize a Stylizer object with one or more StyleInfo objects, which are created with the following information:

  • expression: The regular expression that represents the pattern to search for. This should include the entirety of your style pattern as matches produced from this regular expression will be replaced in their entirety.
  • replacementTemplate: The template for the replacement string that will be substituted into the final string in place of the matched pattern. This is passed unmodified to NSRegularExpression.replacementString(for:in:offset:template:) method as the template parameter.
  • matchingOptions: The options to use when using expression for matching. These are passed unmodified to the NSRegularExpression.matches(in:options:range:) method as the options parameter.
  • attributesProvider: A closure that is used to provide the attributes for a particular match in the expression object. The two parameters to this closure are the current match and the string as it currently stands, meaning that it may have already have had some of its styles already replaced and would therefore be different than the string passed into the stylizer's Stylizer.attributedStringByReplacingMatches(in:range:) method. The attributes returned by this closure are applied to the full range of the replacement string. If no attributes or an empty attributes dictionary are returned by this closure, then no attributes are applied to the replacement string.

When stylizing strings, the StyleInfo objects are applied concurrently in an "inside-out" order, meaning the innermost style are substituted first, followed by the next innermost and so on until all of the styles have been applied. Although the styles are applied in an "inside-out" order, the attributes that are added to strings are added in an "outside-in" order. For example, when processing the following string with an HTMLStylizer:

"<p style="color:red;">red red red <p style="color:blue;">blue blue blue</p> red red red</p>"

After the first pass the attributed string will be as follows:

"<p style="color:red;">red red red blue blue blue red red red</p>"

At this point, the attributed string will have an attribute of .stylizerTextColor surrounding the "blue blue blue" part of the string. After the second pass the attributed string will be as follows:

"red red red blue blue blue red red red"

With attributes:

  • "red red red ": .stylizerTextColor with a red color object
  • "blue blue blue": .stylizerTextColor with a blue color object
  • " red red red": .stylizerTextColor with a red color object

If your custom stylizer wants to adopt the same "placeholder" mechanism used by HTMLStylizer and MarkdownStylizer, that too is simple to do. First, register your custom placeholders using the NSAttributedString.Key.registerCustomStylizerPlaceholderAttributes(_:) method with your custom placeholder attributes. Then, for the appropriate attributesProvider of your StyleInfo objects return the custom placeholder attributes. Lastly, when calling the stylize(with:defaultFont:customAttributesProvider:) extension method on String, NSString, or NSAttributedString, pass a closure for the customAttributesProvider parameter that subsitutes your placeholder attributes for UIKit/AppKit compatible attributes. Alternatively if you are using a StylizedLabel then you can adopt the label(_:overridePlaceholderAttribute:value:in:withProposedAttributes:) delegate method and provide your placeholder attribute substitutions there.


  • Attempt to find a way to stylize bold and italics attributes without placeholder attributes
  • Add support for additional HTML attributes


If you have need for a specific feature or you encounter a bug, please open an issue. If you extend the functionality of Stylizer yourself or you feel like fixing a bug yourself, please submit a pull request.


Joe Newton, [email protected]


Stylizer is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


Extendable class library for parsing string attributes








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