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Personal basic LAMP stack environment built using Docker Compose.


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Basic LAMP stack environment built using Docker Compose.

🚨 Important : This Stack is build for PERSONAL LOCAL development and NOT FOR PRODUCTION USAGE

πŸ“Œ Table of Content

πŸ’» Requirement

Assume you have / Tested on :

  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
  • Docker version 19.03.13
  • Docker Compose version 3 (see compatibility)
  • β˜• / 🍡

πŸ—ƒ Introduction

Include in the Docker Compose (tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS):

  • PHP Apache (Include: 5.6, 7.1, 7.4)
  • Portainer
  • PhpMyAdmin
  • Database (Include: mariadb 10.3, mysql 5.7, mysql8)
  • Node (Include: 10.16, 12.4)

πŸ’Ύ Installation / Quick start

  1. Clone this repository on your local computer
  2. Init, configure .env as needed: make env
  3. Add yours entry points in ./config/vhosts.txt file (see "Entry Point" below)
  4. Run generation of vhosts files : make generate-vhosts
  5. Add your entry point into /etc/hosts file (see "Entry Point" below)
  6. Run Docker composer:
    • make run-build for build and start
    • Or make run for start only

Your LAMP stack is now ready!! You can access it via localhost.

Now you can access to your environnement:

πŸ’« Configuration and Usage


This package comes with default configuration options. You can modify them by creating (Step 2.) .env file in your root directory.

Entry Point

  1. Add yours vhosts URL and ENTRYPOINT Folder in ./config/vhosts.txt:
  2. Run generation of vhosts files : make generate-vhosts and Copy generate host line
  3. Paste your entry point in /etc/hosts after localhost:
# 1
➜ nano /config/vhosts.txt
# Add your URL and PATH with delimiter: `|` 

# 2
➜ make generate-vhosts
Modify your /etc/host file with these lines: my-project.localhost

# 3
➜ sudo nano /etc/hosts localhost # Paste your host line after this line my-project.localhost


PHP_INI: In each PHP Bin you can define your custom php.ini /docker/{PHP_VERSION}/php.ini to meet your requirements.

CMD Shortcut

Available script

  • make or make help for helping
  • make env for init env file
  • make run for start
  • make run-build for build and start
  • make run-php for access into your container php
  • make generate-vhosts for create vhosts files conf
  • make check-vhosts for check if url is available

For windows user check the makefile for cmd.

Docker Shortcut:

  • docker ps List all containers
  • docker ps -aq List all containers (only IDs)
  • docker stop $(docker ps -aq) Stop all running containers

Show Docker log into your server:

➜ docker logs --tail 50 --follow --timestamps [docker-container-name]
# Example
➜ docker logs --tail 50 --follow --timestamps my-container-name

Change [docker-container-name] by your container name


If this project help you, feel free to give me a cup of coffee :)

And dont forget: KISS, DRY & CLEAN CODE

SpΓ©cial thanks to @Medzoner and @floyoops !

🍻 Have Fun ! Made with ❀ by @Sp0ne - Lead Developer -