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Benjamin Franklin once said, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.”:chart_with_upwards_trend:

Introducing Expense Tracker:pencil::green_book:, an application to track your daily spendings.

About -

If you don’t track your expenses during the year, you’ll have to look for your previous statistics and it would cost you a lot of time to find out what you spent your money on. People usually fail to properly manage their expenses, since they don’t have time nor the means to efficiently keep track of how they spend. If you can totally track your expenses all the time, you won’t have to immerse yourself in tax reporting. Moreover, when people ignore their constant planning of their finances, there is every possibility of getting into a debt trap.Considering the above set of circumstances, we decided that something needs to be done inorder to efficiently track the expenses and help people in saving time. If you can track everything in an expense tracker application, it will help you think more about spending money wisely and not ignoring the inflow and outflow of funds.

Installation -

git clone

cd Expense_Tracker

cd src

npm i 

npm install mysql

npm start

go to http://localhost:8000/html/Welcome.html

Features -

  • Login/Sign Up Subsystem
  • Expense Tracker Subsystem
    • Expense page - user can add, edit, or delete expense items from the expense list
    • Income page - user can add, edit, or delete expense items from the expense list
  • Graph Subsystem - users can view a pie chart of their expenses
  • Dashboard to integrate all the subsystems together
  • The user can view the total income, total expenses and balance amount here as well

Technology Stack -

  • Web Application technology
  • JavaScript
  • MySQL
  • Chart.js

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