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Add type-safe layer and filtering #23

merged 9 commits into from
Jul 5, 2024
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
# Change Log

## [0.5.2] - 2024-07-04
- add type-safe layer (TypedMoneyAddress etc).
- add logging

## [0.5.1] - 2024-06-26
- Fix Dap.toString()

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23 changes: 21 additions & 2 deletions src/main/kotlin/xyz/block/dap/Dap.kt
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Expand Up @@ -2,14 +2,29 @@ package xyz.block.dap

import java.util.regex.Pattern

* A Decentralized Agnostic Paytag (DAP).
* A DAP consists of
* @property handle - a `handle` which is a unique identifier for the user within the domain
* @property domain - the domain of the DAP registry, effectively scopes the handles
data class Dap(
val handle: String,
val domain: String
) {
* The canonical string format of a DAP is `@handle/domain`.
* An example would be `@moegrammer/`.
* In this case, `moegrammer` is the handle and `` is the domain.
override fun toString(): String {
return "$PREFIX$handle$SEPARATOR$domain"

* Transform the DAP to the web DID format, used for DAP resolution.
fun toWebDid(): String {
return "did:web:${domain}"
Expand All @@ -18,12 +33,16 @@ data class Dap(
const val PREFIX = "@"
const val SEPARATOR = "/"

const val SERVICE_TYPE = "DAPRegistry"

private const val DAP_REGEX =
private val DAP_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(DAP_REGEX)

* Parse a string into a DAP.
* The string must match the canonical format of a DAP (i.e. `@handle/domain`).
* @throws InvalidDapException if the DAP is not a valid DAP.
fun parse(dap: String): Dap {
val matcher = DAP_PATTERN.matcher(dap)
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/main/kotlin/xyz/block/dap/DapResolver.kt
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Expand Up @@ -8,8 +8,9 @@ import xyz.block.moneyaddress.MoneyAddress
* See the [DAP spec]( for the resolution process.
* This wires together the RegistryResolver, RegistryDidResolver, and MoneyAddressResolver.
* The RegistryDidResolver will use the default configuration unless an instance is provided that
* is constructed with a block configuration override.
* is constructed with a block configuration override (e.g. to change the HTTP engine configuration).
class DapResolver(
private val registryDidResolver: RegistryDidResolver = RegistryDidResolver(),
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9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion src/main/kotlin/xyz/block/dap/RegistryResolver.kt
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Expand Up @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class RegistryResolver {

private fun findDapRegistryUrl(didDocument: DidDocument, did: String): String {
val service = didDocument.service?.find { it.type == Dap.SERVICE_TYPE }
val service = didDocument.service?.find { it.type == SERVICE_TYPE }
?: throw RegistryResolutionException("DID document has no DAP registry service [did=$did]")

if (service.serviceEndpoint.isEmpty()) {
Expand All @@ -58,6 +58,13 @@ class RegistryResolver {

private val logger = KotlinLogging.logger {}

companion object {
* The service type of DAP registries in a DID Document.
const val SERVICE_TYPE = "DAPRegistry"

class RegistryResolutionException : Throwable {
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34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions src/main/kotlin/xyz/block/moneyaddress/Currency.kt
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@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
package xyz.block.moneyaddress

* Represents the currency of a MoneyAddress.
* @property scheme the string representation of the currency as used in the DID Documents.
* Currencies mentioned in the DAP specification have concrete implementations.
* This allows type-safe matching of MoneyAddress objects without matching on strings.
* See [TypedMoneyAddress] and [Filter.kt]
* Currencies not included in the DAP specification are represented by [UNRECOGNIZED_CURRENCY].
open class Currency(open val scheme: String) {
override fun toString(): String = scheme

companion object {
fun String.asCurrency(): Currency =
when (this) {
BTC.scheme -> BTC
KES.scheme -> KES
USDC.scheme -> USDC
ZAR.scheme -> ZAR

data object BTC : Currency("btc")
data object KES : Currency("kes")
data object USDC : Currency("usdc")
data object ZAR : Currency("zar")

data class UNRECOGNIZED_CURRENCY(override val scheme: String) : Currency(scheme)
41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions src/main/kotlin/xyz/block/moneyaddress/Filter.kt
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package xyz.block.moneyaddress

* Utility extension functions to be used for filtering [MoneyAddress] or [TypedMoneyAddress] objects.

* Returns true if the [MoneyAddress] has the given currency.
fun MoneyAddress.hasCurrency(currency: Currency): Boolean =

* Returns true if the [MoneyAddress] has the given currency.
fun MoneyAddress.hasCurrency(currency: String): Boolean =
this.currency == currency

* Returns true if the [MoneyAddress] has the given protocol.
fun MoneyAddress.hasProtocol(protocol: Protocol): Boolean =

* Returns true if the [MoneyAddress] has the given protocol.
fun MoneyAddress.hasProtocol(protocol: String): Boolean =
this.protocol == protocol

* Returns true if the [MoneyAddress] has the given currency and protocol.
fun MoneyAddress.matches(currency: Currency, protocol: Protocol): Boolean =
hasProtocol(protocol) && hasCurrency(currency)

* Returns true if the [MoneyAddress] has the given currency and protocol.
fun MoneyAddress.matches(currency: String, protocol: String): Boolean =
hasCurrency(currency) && hasProtocol(protocol)
39 changes: 29 additions & 10 deletions src/main/kotlin/xyz/block/moneyaddress/MoneyAddress.kt
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@@ -1,36 +1,55 @@
package xyz.block.moneyaddress

import web5.sdk.dids.didcore.Service
import xyz.block.moneyaddress.MoneyAddress.Companion.KIND
import xyz.block.moneyaddress.urn.DapUrn

* A generic representation of a MoneyAddress, without specific details of the currency or protocol.
* For a more specific representation, see [TypedMoneyAddress].
data class MoneyAddress(
val id: String,
val urn: DapUrn,
val currency: String,
val protocol: String,
val pss: String
) {

override fun toString(): String =
"MoneyAddress($currency, $protocol, $pss, $id)"

companion object {
const val KIND: String = "MoneyAddress"

* Extracts the MoneyAddress objects from a DID Service object.
* @throws InvalidMoneyAddressException if the service type is not "MoneyAddress".
* @throws InvalidDapUrnException if the URN is not a valid DAP URN.
fun Service.toMoneyAddresses(): List<MoneyAddress> {
if (type != KIND) {
if (type != MoneyAddress.KIND) {
throw InvalidMoneyAddressException

return { endpoint ->
val urn = DapUrn.parse(endpoint)
id = id,
urn = urn,
currency = urn.currency,
protocol = urn.protocol,
pss = urn.pss

* Converts a DAP URN to a MoneyAddress.
fun DapUrn.toMoneyAddress(id: String): MoneyAddress =
id = id,
urn = this,
currency = currency,
protocol = protocol,
pss = pss

object InvalidMoneyAddressException : Throwable("Invalid MoneyAddress")
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions src/main/kotlin/xyz/block/moneyaddress/Protocol.kt
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@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
package xyz.block.moneyaddress

* Represents the protocol of a MoneyAddress.
* These protocols are often, but not always, specific to a currency.
* @property scheme the string representation of the protocol as used in the DID Documents.
* Protocols mentioned in the DAP specification have concrete implementations.
* This allows type-safe matching of MoneyAddress objects without matching on strings.
* See [TypedMoneyAddress] and [Filter.kt]
* Protocols not included in the DAP specification are represented by [UNRECOGNIZED_PROTOCOL].
open class Protocol(open val scheme: String) {
override fun toString(): String = scheme

companion object {
fun String.asProtocol(): Protocol =
when (this) {

data object ETHEREUM : Protocol("eth")
data object LIGHTNING_ADDRESS : Protocol("lnaddr")
data object MOBILE_MONEY : Protocol("momo")
data object ONCHAIN_ADDRESS : Protocol("addr")
data object SILENT_PAYMENT_ADDRESS : Protocol("spaddr")
data object STELLAR_XLM : Protocol("xlm")

data class UNRECOGNIZED_PROTOCOL(override val scheme: String) : Protocol(scheme)
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions src/main/kotlin/xyz/block/moneyaddress/TypedMoneyAddress.kt
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@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
package xyz.block.moneyaddress

import xyz.block.moneyaddress.Currency.Companion.asCurrency
import xyz.block.moneyaddress.Protocol.Companion.asProtocol

* A type-safe representation of a MoneyAddress provided as a layer on top of [MoneyAddress]
* The `currency` and `protocol` are typed, allowing filtering and matching without string comparison.
* See [Filter.kt] for utility functions for this matching.
* See [TypedMoneyAddressRegistry] for semi-automatic conversion of [MoneyAddress] to [TypedMoneyAddress].
open class TypedMoneyAddress<T>(
open val address: T,
open val currency: Currency,
open val protocol: Protocol,
open val id: String,
) {
override fun toString(): String =
"MoneyAddress(${currency.scheme}, ${protocol.scheme}, $address, $id)"

* Represents a MoneyAddress that is not recognized by the [TypedMoneyAddressRegistry].
data class UnrecognizedMoneyAddress(
val pss: String,
override val currency: Currency,
override val protocol: Protocol,
override val id: String
) : TypedMoneyAddress<String>(pss, currency, protocol, id) {

constructor(pss: String, currency: String, protocol: String, id: String) :
this(pss, currency.asCurrency(), protocol.asProtocol(), id)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
package xyz.block.moneyaddress

import io.github.oshai.kotlinlogging.KotlinLogging
import xyz.block.moneyaddress.Currency.Companion.asCurrency
import xyz.block.moneyaddress.Protocol.Companion.asProtocol
import xyz.block.moneyaddress.typed.BtcLightningAddress
import xyz.block.moneyaddress.typed.BtcOnChainAddress
import xyz.block.moneyaddress.typed.MobileMoneyAddress
import xyz.block.moneyaddress.MoneyAddress as UntypedMoneyAddress

* A factory function that converts an [UntypedMoneyAddress] to a [TypedMoneyAddress].
* These are registered with the [TypedMoneyAddressRegistry] in order to allow automatic conversion to the typed classes.
typealias TypedMoneyAddressFactory<T> = (UntypedMoneyAddress) -> TypedMoneyAddress<T>

* Provides type conversion from [MoneyAddress] to [TypedMoneyAddress].
* This is based on registered mappings from [Currency] and [Protocol] to [TypedMoneyAddressFactory] functions.
* There is a `defaultTypedMoneyAddressRegistry` that is pre-populated with the default mappings.
* New mappings can be added using the `register` method, for either a `Currency` and `Protocol` pair or just a `Protocol`.
* Mappings for the `Currency` and `Protocol` pair take precendence over mappings for just the `Protocol`.
class TypedMoneyAddressRegistry {
fun <T> register(
currency: Currency,
protocol: Protocol,
f: TypedMoneyAddressFactory<T>
): TypedMoneyAddressRegistry {
if (cpMappings.put(Pair(currency, protocol), f) != null) {
logger.warn {
"Overwriting existing MoneyAddressRegistry entry [currency=$currency][protocol=$protocol]"
return this

fun <T> register(
protocol: Protocol,
f: TypedMoneyAddressFactory<T>
): TypedMoneyAddressRegistry {
if (pMappings.put(protocol, f) != null) {
logger.warn {
"Overwriting existing MoneyAddressRegistry entry [protocol=$protocol]"
return this

fun clear() {

private val cpMappings = mutableMapOf<Pair<Currency, Protocol>, TypedMoneyAddressFactory<*>>()
private val pMappings = mutableMapOf<Protocol, TypedMoneyAddressFactory<*>>()

fun toTypedMoneyAddress(ma: UntypedMoneyAddress): TypedMoneyAddress<*> =
cpMappings[Pair(ma.currency.asCurrency(), ma.protocol.asProtocol())]?.invoke(ma)
?: pMappings[ma.protocol.asProtocol()]?.invoke(ma)
?: UnrecognizedMoneyAddress(ma.pss, ma.currency, ma.protocol,

private val logger = KotlinLogging.logger {}

companion object {
val defaultTypedMoneyAddressRegistry: TypedMoneyAddressRegistry = TypedMoneyAddressRegistry()

init {

fun UntypedMoneyAddress.toTypedMoneyAddress(typedMoneyAddressRegistry: TypedMoneyAddressRegistry = defaultTypedMoneyAddressRegistry): TypedMoneyAddress<*> =