Generates a graph of the traceroute information in nmap XML files using graphviz. The tool was specifically written to process very large nmap reports (> 2 GB).
The traceroute information can give insight into the network topology, e.g.:
- Identify exposed systems not protected by the firewall
- Identify separate network segments
The following graph shows an example of the traceroute for the targets and (sudo nmap -sn --traceroute -oA nmap
- Handling of huge files (pathfinder parses nmap report files line by line and can therefore process huge files)
- (Manual) Customization of final graph (graphviz dot syntax)
- pygraphviz
- untangle
- lxml
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_ _ _ _
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|_| |_|_| |_| |_|\__,_| .__/ \__|_| \__,_|\___\___|_| \___/ \__,_|\__\___| \__, |_| \__,_| .__/|_| |_|_|_| |_|\__, |
|_| |___/ |_| |___/
Info: Generates a graph via graphviz of the traceroute information in nmap XML files (nmap --traceroute [...]). -i <nmap_xml_input_file> -o <outputfile> [-s <True|False>] [-d <True|False>]
--help This help text
--ifile The Nmap XML file to parse for traceroute information
--ofile Filename for output files: Graphviz dot and png file
--skipDestHost (Optional) For better visibility in huge scans the destination host can be excluded
from the graph resulting in only the route information.
--destIpToNetwork (Optional) For better visibility in huge scans the destination IP can be transformed
into a class C network (e.g. ->