Hi there, I'm meijin!!
- 2011-2016 奈良高専情報工学科(Nara National College Of Technology, Department of Computer Science)
- 2016-2019 株式会社LIFULL Webエンジニア(Web engineer of LIFULL inc.)
- 2019- 株式会社NoSchool CTO(CTO of NoSchool.inc)
TypeScript, Scss, HTML, Nuxt.js, Next.js
Webpack, Babel
jest, mocha, performance tuning(reduce assets, bundle sizes, image optimization, etc)
UI design, SEO
PHP, Laravel, Ruby
PHPUnit, Docker, docker-compose, CI by GitHub Actions
MySQL, Redis
Domain Driven Design
AWS - EC2, ECS, Fargate, S3, CodeDeploy, ALB, CloudFront, IAM, RDS, ElastiCache, Lambda, Lambda@Edge, CDK
Firebase - Auth, Function, Storage, Firestore