> OS: Ubuntu
> WM: i3
> DE: Regolith
> bar: polybar
> launcher: Rofi
> GTK 3: Ayu-Darker
> GTK 4: Rose-pine (too lazy to create my own gtk4 theme for ayu dark, will do later)
> Font: Nunito
> Terminal: Alacritty
> TextEdditor: Neovim
> File Manager: Ranger (terminal), dolphin (gui)
> Document viewer: Zathura
(need to add images)
- Install Regolith
sudo apt install regolith-desktop regolith-session-flashback regolith-look-ayu
- Install other applcations
sudo apt install polybar rofi dolphin
- Install alacrity
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:aslatter/ppa -y && sudo apt install alacritty
Change your default terminal to alacrity if you wish with sudo update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator
and selecting alacritty
- Changing the default regolith bar
sudo rm -f /usr/share/regolith/i3/config.d/70_bar
Now add exec --no-startup-id polybar
to your .config/regolith/i3/config.d
(check my config in .config/regolith/i3/config.d/Startup
as an example)
- Using rofi instead of ilia (regolith default application launcher/desktop exec)
change /usr/share/regolith/i3/config.d/20_ilia
to incude rofi instead of ilia (check my config for an example)
- Adding animations, bluur and rounded corers
- install picom-pijulius
- Change the path to picom in
to /usr/local/bin/picom - Add your picom config to
If you wish to switch between the default picom and picom-pijulius only change the path in the first if statement in
and then use a script to rename~/.config/regolith3/picom
to something else