Globetrotter is a full-stack web application where users receive cryptic clues about famous destinations and must guess the correct place. Upon guessing, they unlock fun facts, trivia, and surprises!
- Random Clues: Presents 1–2 random hints about a destination.
- Multiple Choice: Users select from multiple possible answers.
- Instant Feedback:
- 🎉 Correct Answer: Confetti animation +2 fun fact reveal.
- 😢 Incorrect Answer: Sad-face animation +1 fun fact.
- Score Tracking: Displays total user score, tracking score with No of attempts.
- Challenge a Friend:
- Users enter a unique username to create a profile.
- Clicking ‘Challenge a Friend’ generates an invite link with a dynamic link.
- Friends can view the inviter’s score before playing.
- Anyone with the invitation link can play!
├── client/ # Frontend (Vite React)
│ ├── public/ # Public assets
│ ├── src/ # Source files
│ │ ├── components/ # Reusable components
│ │ ├── pages/ # Page components
│ │ │ ├── Challenge.jsx
│ │ │ ├── Home.jsx
│ │ │ ├── Leaderboard.jsx
│ │ │ ├── Game.jsx
│ │ ├── App.jsx # Main App component
│ │ ├── index.jsx # Entry point
│ ├── package.json # Client dependencies and scripts
│ ├── vite.config.js # Vite configuration
├── server/ # Backend (Node.js with Express)
│ ├── controller/ # Controllers
│ │ ├── gameController.js
| | ├── userController.js
│ ├── db/ # Database connections
│ │ ├── conn.js
│ ├── models/ # Database models
│ │ ├── Destination.js
│ │ ├── User.js
│ ├── routes/ # API routes
│ │ ├── gameRoutes.js
│ │ ├── userRoutes.js
│ ├── script/ # Add Data to Database using Gimin API
│ │ ├── seedDatabase.js
│ ├── utils/ # prompt is added here for the generate the custom Destinations for Game
│ │ ├── generateQuestions.js
│ ├── app.js # Express app setup
│ ├── server.js # Server entry point
│ ├── package.json # Server dependencies and scripts
--- Admin Route: api/v1/user/leaderboard Directory structure:
- server/script: contains an script file to seed the database
- server/utils: contain custom prompt for Gimini API
for example:
const prompt = `Generate a list of 100 random travel-related quiz questions. In clue don't mention Destination name. Each question should include:
- The correct destination name.
- A short clue about the destination.
- Four multiple-choice options (one of which is correct).
- A fun fact about the destination.
Format the response as JSON: [ { "name": "Destination Name", "clue": "A short clue about the place.", "options": ["Option1", "Option2", "Option3", "Option4"], "funFact": "An interesting fact about the destination." } ]`;
- Node.js (Latest version recommended)
- MongoDB (Local or Cloud Database)
git clone
cd Headout-Assignment
Navigate to the server directory:
cd server
Install dependencies:
npm install
Create a .env
file inside the server/
directory and add:
Start the server:
npm start
Navigate to the client directory:
cd client
Install dependencies:
npm install
Start the React app:
npm start
- Push your code to GitHub.
- Go to Render → Create a new Web Service.
- Connect your repository.
- Set Build Command:
npm install && npm run build
- Set Start Command:
npm start
- Add Environment Variables in Render Dashboard.
- Deploy! 🚀
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Want to improve this project? Follow these steps:
- Fork the repository
- Create a new feature branch (
git checkout -b feature-name
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -m "Add new feature"
) - Push to your branch (
git push origin feature-name
) - Submit a Pull Request 🎉
Token System with Authentication: The application could be enhanced by adding a token-based authentication system. JWT (JSON Web Tokens) can be used for secure user login and registration, ensuring that only authenticated users can access certain features, such as score tracking or playing against friends.
Live Leaderboard Tracking: A live leaderboard system can be integrated where user scores are tracked in real time. This would encourage competitive play and allow users to see their progress compared to other players in real-time.