On executing pdf_unlocker.py it opens up GUI, on which you can select password protected PDF file and provide password, which unlocks and saves the PDF without the password in same location with _ in file name
Run pip instal -r requirements.txt
execute python pdf_unlocker.py
Open Automator:
- Open Automator and create a new “Application.”
Add the "Run Shell Script" Action:
- Drag the "Run Shell Script" action into the workflow area.
Configure the Shell Script:
- In the "Run Shell Script" action, set the "Pass input" option to "as arguments."
- Enter the shell script that calls your Python script with the passed PDF file as an argument:
/path/to/python3 /path/to/your_script.py "$@"
Save the Automator application.
Select a PDF file, right-click, and choose "Open With" your Automator application.
- Check the log file to ensure the correct file path is being passed.
This should ensure the selected PDF file is correctly passed to your Python script for unlocking.