Windows 12 is an idea of microsoft. BUT, because they are taking WAY to long, I started myself something alike.
All rights are for microsoft.
In V0, I just start working on some of the small functions. But I will start with a small terminal based version.
In V0.0 I start with a small terminal based version of windows 12. So you can open and close documents, and maybe do a few extra things.
V0.0.1 will be a small start of the version where you can open a file editor, called notepad.
V0.0.2 is a version where the notepad works a bit better!
In this version I will add a falling matrix effect.
V0.1.0, the first try of it.
V0.0.1: Started working on the project. V0.0.2: Working notepad + info. V0.1.0: Matrix effect. V0.1.1: Adding things to matric effect.