Due to a BOF (Birds of a feather) about JavaScript and Geo at FOSS4G Europe 2015, we decided to start a repo to make inventory of JS Geo libraries and of some non-geo related libraries that change the way to code in JavaScript.
Feel free to submit more change to the repository with a PR or by contacting us at Twitter account ThomasG77!!
- Topojson https://github.com/mbostock/topojson
- Terraformer http://terraformer.io
- Resources about GeoJSON manipulation https://github.com/tmcw/awesome-geojson
- Geobuf (mapbox tiles JS reader)
- Proj4JS
- simplify.js
- Mapshaper (command line)
- JSTS https://github.com/bjornharrtell/jsts
- Turf.js http://turfjs.org/static/docs/
- https://github.com/ThomasG77/turf-ol3/
- Rbush for Rtree https://github.com/mourner/rbush
- potree (points cloud in JavaScript)
- Simple-statistics
- Geostats.js
- Chroma.js
- Tangram
- OpenLayers
- Leaflet
- Cesium
- D3 (not only cartography)
- d3kit https://github.com/twitter/d3kit
- mapmap.js https://github.com/floledermann/mapmap.js
- Kartograph.js
- Data-Maps (framework on top of D3)
- Leaflet-DVF (plugin for representations) https://github.com/humangeo/leaflet-dvf
- Mapbox-GL-js https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-js
- mapbox-gl-leaflet https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-leaflet
- OpenLayers Angular Directive
- Leaflet Angular Directive
- NGEO (https://github.com/camptocamp/ngeo)
- GeoExt (http://geoext.org/)
- QGIS to OpenLayers 3
- QGISleaf https://github.com/geolicious/qgis2leaf
- QGIS Three.js
- Browserify
- Gulp
- Grunt.js
- Broccoli
- Bower
- Yeoman
- PhantomJS (testing or browser server side rendering)
- Jasmine (for tests)
Raster UTFGrid:
- tilestream server
- TileLive
- Chubbs Spatial Server
- Tilehut
- Tileserver https://github.com/hanchao/TileServer
- Tessera https://github.com/mojodna/tessera
Credits (alphabetical):