package me.tund.whoIsTund;
public class WhoAmI{
public WhoAmI(){
System.out.println("Hi there, I am a passionate coding protege from Germany.");
private final void printThings(){
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
b.append("I love coding, engineering and solving fun challenges. \n");
b.append("Right now, I work as a sound technician at Nathalie's Musikwerkstatt. \n");
b.append("My plan is to study aerospace engineering.");
- Code in Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, C++ and Python
- Use MongoDB, MySQL, MariaDB, Firebase Storage and Redis
- Develop with ReactJS, NextJS, HTML, CSS and Tailwind
- Use NextUI or ShadCN with GSAP to create awesome pages
- Build android apps in Java or Kotlin
- Work with Rest-Apis and build custom discord bots
- Work with OpenCV, Tensorflow and YoloV8
- Develop on Arduino and ESP32
- Make custom Minecraft plugins with Spigot and NMS
- Learn Postgres-SQL and scalable web development
- Writing own machine learning algorithms
- Minecraft Modding on Fabric
- Scalable mobile development
- Deepen my knowledge in Java, C++ and Kotlin
- How to center a div
- Irisight: A competetive project aiming to help visually impaired and blind people
- P5Y-Discord: A discord bot that is supposed to enhance our tournament experience
- niceeshotss: My first ever hackathon submission
Want to know more? Then look at my protfolio site:
or connect with me on other platforms