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The Flask frontend for UWCS Programming Challenges

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Setup Instructions

  1. First, install the pipenv package, by using this command in the terminal:
pip install pipenv
  1. Then, we use pipenv to read the contents of the Pipfile and install all the necessary packages that make the frontend work. This can be accompished with:
pipenv install

(Make sure the terminal is opened within the correct folder!)

  1. Initialize the database:
pipenv run python progcomp/scripts/
  1. Run the server with:
pipenv run flask --app progcomp --debug run

The site will then be running locally at localhost:5000, and you can access it as a url in your preferred web browser.

You can stop it at any time by pressing CTRL+C in the terminal.

Admin Operation

Once the server is running, you control it by running the scripts in /progcomp/scripts from a separate terminal. First run pipenv shell to avoid prefixing each command with pipenv run.

  1. Create a progcomp and set its dates
python progcomp/scripts/ <progcomp_name>
export SCRIPT_PROGCOMP="<progcomp_name>"      # Future scripts reference this env var
python progcomp/scripts/ "in 5 mins"   # This parsing is flexible
python progcomp/scripts/ "8pm"   # This parsing is flexible
  1. Input problems into directory /problems/<progcomp_name> Structure should be
│   │   problems.pdf
│   ├───<problem_one>
│   │   ├───input
│   │   │       <0-test>.txt
│   │   │       <1-test>.txt
│   │   │       ...
│   │   └───output
│   │           <0-test>.txt
│   │           <1-test>.txt
│   │           ...
│   ├───<problem_two>
│   │   ├───input
│   .   │       ...
│   .   └───output
│   .           ...
│   ...

  1. Sync problems into DB, then set to visible
  • Open: Visible and submissions allowed
  • Closed: Visible but no submissions allowed
  • Hidden: Not visible and no submissions
  • To allow fine-grained control, we set problem and progcomp separately
    • Problem inherits visibility from progcomp if more restrictive than problem
    • e.g. If problem is closed, but progcomp is hidden, problems will be hidden,
    • If you then switched the progcomp to open, the problem would be closed.
  • By default, the leaderboards are hidden, use to change.
python progcomp/scripts/   # Read from directory
python progcomp/scripts/         # List results
# Set visibility for each problem - can reveal one-by-one during competition
python progcomp/scripts/ <problem_one> <open|closed|hidden>
python progcomp/scripts/ <problem_two> <open|closed|hidden>

# Set visibility for progcomp once ready
python progcomp/scripts/ <open|closed|hidden>
  1. Switch out problem PDF while live
  • As more problems are revealed, you need to update the PDF as well:
python progcomp/scripts/ <new_pdf_path>
# Moves old PDF to __problems_old.pdf in case you need to undo
# Copies new into problems.pdf
  1. Query information while live
  • If you want a full dump of info that isn't restricted to what is visible on the website, use the get scripts:
python progcomp/scripts/     # List all problems from all progcomps
python progcomp/scripts/ <problem> <test>  # Get scores for a specific problem
python progcomp/scripts/   # Get overall leaderboard
python progcomp/scripts/      # List all submissions
  1. Custom behaviour
  • SQL-Alchemy makes editing the data while live very easy, write your queries following the template and you can do a lot
  • Alembic is used for DB versioning, if you want to add or remove fields (don't remove while live)


The Flask frontend for UWCS Programming Challenges






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