This is a demo for how to use AWS Code Pipeline for creating cross account Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery pipelines.
There are three stacks:
- A common resources stack, which contains essential resources for pipelines: S3 bucket, KMS key and IAM roles.
- A Continuous Integration pipeline, which builds and deploys PRs to a non-production environment.
- A Continuous Delivery pipeline, which builds and deploys a workload to non-production and production environments.
A separate CloudFormation template for Cross Account roles is used to deploy roles to the target accounts.
The pipelines have assumed that there is a separate GitHub repository with a buildspec file, which builds the app and packages templates for deployment. For the purposes of testing this approach, this was a simple Python application with basic commands to build, test and lint source code and for the packaging of CloudFormation templates.
The example buildspec.yaml is as follows:
version: 0.2
python: 3.9
- pip3 install pytest
- pip3 install cfn-lint
# pytest
- python -m pytest --junitxml=test-reports/output.xml
# Run cfn-lint
- cfn-lint $TemplateName.yaml
# copy over environment config
- cp "$TemplateName-dev-params.json" "packaged-template-dev-params.json"
- cp "$TemplateName-test-params.json" "packaged-template-test-params.json"
- cp "$TemplateName-prod-params.json" "packaged-template-prod-params.json"
# install third party dependencies
- pip install --upgrade pip
- pip install -t /src -r requirements.txt
# copy Lambda source code
- cp -v workload/*.py /src
# package up cloud formation
- aws cloudformation package --template-file $TemplateName.yaml --s3-bucket $S3Bucket --s3-prefix $S3BuildsPrefix --output-template-file packaged-template.yaml
name: BuildArtifacts
- "**/*"
- packaged-template.yaml
- "*-params.json"
- output.xml
base-directory: test-reports
file-format: JUNITXML
- Install CDK
- Install the lastest version of the AWS CLI
- Create a CodeStar connection to GitHub -
The following command can be used to deploy the stack:
cdk deploy CommonResourcesStack
--parameters CrossAccountDeployerRoleName=CrossAccountDeployerRole
--parameters CrossAccountPipelineRoleName=CrossAccountPipelineRole
--parameters OrganisationId=
To deploy the cross account roles to the target accounts, you can use the template/CrossAccountRoles.yaml
CloudFormation template. This template sets up the necessary IAM roles for cross-account access.
The following command can be used to deploy the template to the target account:
aws cloudformation deploy \
--template-file template/CrossAccountRoles.yaml \
--stack-name CrossAccountRolesStack \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM \
--parameter-overrides \
CrossAccountPipelineRoleName=<pipeline-role-name> \
CrossAccountDeployerRoleName=<deployer-role-name> \
PipelineAccount=<account-number> \
CMKARN: <cmk-arn>
Note there is some dependencies on the resources created in the common resources stack.
The following command can be used to deploy the stack:
cdk deploy CIPipelineStack \
--parameters BranchName=<branch-name> \
--parameters BranchTemplateName=<branch-template-name> \
--parameters CodeStarConnectionId=<code-star-connection-id> \
--parameters DependencyFolders=<dependency-folders> \
--parameters NonProductionAccount=<account-number> \
--parameters RepositoryName=<repo-name> \
--parameters RepositoryOwner=<repo-owner> \
--parameters StackName=<stack-name>
cdk deploy CIPipelineStack \
--parameters BranchName=main \
--parameters BranchTemplateName=template/cf-stack \
--parameters CodeStarConnectionId=d1b54466-93f9-4482-a34d-a5bb39af7456 \
--parameters NonProductionAccount=381492168999 \
--parameters RepositoryName=code-pipeline \
--parameters RepositoryOwner=craigjpickles \
--parameters StackName=CodePipelineCDKDemo
The following command can be used to deploy the stack:
cdk deploy CDPipelineStack \
--parameters BranchName=<branch-name> \
--parameters BranchTemplateName=<branch-template-name> \
--parameters CodeStarConnectionId=<code-star-connection-id> \
--parameters DependencyFolders=<dependency-folders> \
--parameters NonProductionAccount=<account-number> \
--parameters ProductionAccount=<account-number> \
--parameters RepositoryName=<repo-name> \
--parameters RepositoryOwner=<repo-owner> \
--parameters StackName=<stack-name>
cdk deploy CDPipelineStack \
--parameters BranchName=main \
--parameters BranchTemplateName=template/cf-stack \
--parameters CodeStarConnectionId=d1b54466-93f9-4482-a34d-a5bb39af7456 \
--parameters NonProductionAccount=381492168999 \
--parameters ProductionAccount=637423600999 \
--parameters RepositoryName=code-pipeline \
--parameters RepositoryOwner=craigjpickles \
--parameters StackName=CodePipelineCDKDemo