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The project's goal is to provide a free and easy-to-use space online where people can not only ask questions but answer and interact with other people. This project was developed for the Database and Web Applications Laboratory Curricular Unit @ FEUP.


The main goal of the project is to develop a web-based system where people can ask, answer and look for different questions regarding a variety of subjects. The web contains a lot of information, but sometimes it's hard to find an answer to the question you want to ask. By presenting a space where users can ask and answer questions, we are looking to spread information and increase its accessibility. We can achieve this by providing a space for discussion among the users, allowing the delivery of information in a free and collaborative way. The program has a registration system that keeps track of users and allows for the distinction of permissions between users (e.g. moderator). Any registered user can post and answer questions. Questions are fully interactive, as users are allowed to comment on both the question and the answers. Furthermore, both can be voted by the community and sorted accordingly. This voting system is used to calculate a score for each user, which works as an indicator of the reliability of that person. Authors can also manage different tags so the questions are easier to find. Questions will be presented in an organized matter, to give users ease of use. There is a search system in place that allows users to find specific questions they may have. To further facilitate the experience, it is also possible to filter the questions according to different factors (e.g. topic, tags). The users of the application can be categorized into the following groups: User, Authenticated user, Author, Moderator, and Administrator. Non-authenticated users may navigate and read questions, but only registered users are allowed to create, edit and interact with those. Authors are given the option to edit or delete their content. On top of that, question authors can also manage tags and choose the correct answer. Moderators can delete the content and edit the tags on a question. Finally, administrators can manage tags. Moreover, the stakeholder of Ask FEUP will be anyone looking for answers and with an interest to learn, such as students, researchers, professors, and workers.

LBAW's framework


With docker:

sudo docker run -it -p 8000:80 --name=lbaw2221 -e DB_DATABASE="lbaw2221" -e DB_SCHEMA="lbaw2221" -e DB_USERNAME="lbaw2221" -e DB_PASSWORD="bQXZmWEI" 

URL to the product:

2.1. Administration Credentials

Username Password
[email protected] lbaw;2221

2.2. User Credentials

Type Username Password
basic account [email protected] lbaw;2221
moderator [email protected] lbaw;2221


This README describes how to setup the development environment for LBAW 2021/22. These instructions address the development with a local environment, i.e. on the machine (that can be a VM) without using a Docker container for PHP or Laravel. Containers are used for PostgreSQL and pgAdmin, though.

The template was prepared to run on Ubuntu 21.10, but it should be fairly easy to follow and adapt for other operating systems.

Installing the Software Dependencies

To prepare you computer for development you need to install some software, namely PHP and the PHP package manager Composer.

We recommend using an Ubuntu distribution that ships PHP 8.0 (e.g Ubuntu 21.10). You may install the required software with:

sudo apt install git composer php8.0 php8.0-mbstring php8.0-xml php8.0-pgsql

The following links provide instructions for installing Docker and Docker Compose

Setting up the Development repository

You should have your own repository and a copy of the demo repository in the same folder in your machine. Then, copy the contents of the demo repository to your own.

# Clone the group repository (lbaw21XX), if not yet available locally
# Notice that you need to substitute XX by your group's number
git clone

# clone the LBAW's project skeleton
git clone

# remove the Git folder from the demo folder
rm -rf template-laravel/.git
# preserve existing
mv template-laravel/ template-laravel/

# go to your repository
cd lbaw21XX

# make sure you are using the master branch
git checkout master

# copy all the demo files
cp -r ../template-laravel/. .

# add the new files to your repository
git add .
git commit -m "Base Laravel structure"
git push origin master

At this point you should have the project skeleton in your local machine and be ready to start working on it. You may remove the template-laravel demo directory, as it is not needed anymore.

Installing local PHP dependencies

After the steps above you will have updated your repository with the required Laravel structure from this repository. Afterwards, the command bellow will install all local dependencies, required for development.

composer install

Working with PostgreSQL

We've created a docker compose file that sets up PostgreSQL and pgAdmin4 to run as local Docker containers.

From the project root issue the following command:

docker compose up

Navigate on your browser to http://localhost:4321 to access pgAdmin4 and manage your database. Depending on your installation setup, you might need to use the IP address from the virtual machine providing docker instead of localhost. Please refer to your installation documentation. Use the following credentials to login:

Email: [email protected]
Password: pg!password

On the first usage you will need to add the connection to the database using the following attributes:

hostname: postgres
username: postgres
password: pg!password

Hostname is postgres instead of localhost since Docker Compose creates an internal DNS entry to facilitate the connection between linked containers.

Developing the project

You're all set up to start developing the project. In the provided skeleton you will already find a basic todo list App, which you will modify to start implementing your own project.

To start the development server, from the project's root run:

# Seed database from the seed.sql file.
# Needed on first run and everytime the database script changes.
php artisan db:seed

# Start the development server
php artisan serve

Access http://localhost:8000 to access the app. Username is [email protected], and password 1234. These credentials are copied to the database on the first instruction above.

To stop the server just hit Ctrl-C.

Laravel code structure

Before you start, you should make yourself familiar with Laravel's documentation.

In Laravel, a typical web request will touch the following concepts and files.

1) Routes

The web page is processed by Laravel's routing mechanism. By default, routes are defined inside routes/web.php. A typical route looks like this:

Route::get('cards/{id}', 'CardController@show');

This route receives a parameter id that is passed on to the show method of a controller called CardController.

2) Controllers

Controllers group related request handling logic into a single class. Controllers are normally defined in the app/Http/Controllers folder.

class CardController extends Controller
    public function show($id)
        $card = Card::find($id);
        $this->authorize('show', $card);
        return view('pages.card', ['card' => $card]);

This particular controller contains a show method that receives an id from a route. The method searches for a card in the database, checks if the user as permission to view the card, and then returns a view.

3) Database and Models

To access the database, we will use the query builder capabilities of Eloquent but the initial database seeding will still be done using raw SQL (the script that creates the tables can be found in resources/sql/seed.sql).

$card = Card::find($id);

This line tells Eloquent to fetch a card from the database with a certain id (the primary key of the table). The result will be an object of the class Card defined in app/Card.php. This class extends the Model class and contains information about the relation between the card tables and other tables:

/* A card belongs to one user */
public function user() {
    return $this->belongsTo('App\User');

/* A card has many items */
public function items() {
    return $this->hasMany('App\Item');

4) Policies

Policies define which actions a user can take. You can find policies inside the app/Policies folder. For example, in the CardPolicy.php file, we defined a show method that only allows a certain user to view a card if that user is the card owner:

public function show(User $user, Card $card)
    return $user->id == $card->user_id;

In this example policy method, $user and $card are models that represent their respective tables, $id and $user_id are columns from those tables that are automatically mapped into those models.

To use this policy, we just have to use the following code inside the CardController:

$this->authorize('show', $card);

As you can see, there is no need to pass the current user.

5) Views

A controller only needs to return HTML code for it to be sent to the browser. However we will be using Blade templates to make this task easier:

return view('pages.card', ['card' => $card]);

In this example, pages.card references a blade template that can be found at resources/views/pages/card.blade.php. The second parameter contains the data we are injecting into the template.

The first line of the template states that it extends another template:


This second template can be found at resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php and is the basis of all pages in our application. Inside this template, the place where the page template is introduced is identified by the following command:


Besides the pages and layouts template folders, we also have a partials folder where small snippets of HTML code can be saved to be reused in other pages.

6) CSS

The easiest way to use CSS is just to edit the CSS file found at public/css/app.css. You can have multiple CSS files to better organize your style definitions.

7) JavaScript

To add JavaScript into your project, just edit the file found at public/js/app.js.

8) Configuration

Laravel configurations are acquired from environment variables. They can be available in the environment where the Laravel process is started, or acquired by reading the .env file in the root folder of the Laravel project. This file can set environment variables, which set or overwride the variables from the current context. You will likely have to update these variables, mainly the ones configuring the access to the database, starting with DB_. You must manually create a schema that matches your username.

If you change the configuration, you might need to run the following command to discard a compiled version of the configuration from Laravel's cache:

php artisan route:clear
php artisan cache:clear
php artisan config:clear

Publishing your image

You should keep your git master branch always functional and frequently build and deploy your code as a Docker image. LBAW's production machine will frequently pull all these images and make them available at

Always ensure your .env file is configured with your group's credentials before building your docker image, by updating the DB section:


This demo repository is available at To view it make sure you are inside FEUP's network or are using the VPN.

Images must be published to Gitlab's Container Registry, available from the side menu option Packages & Registries > Container Registry.

The first thing you need to do is login against this registry with your docker. In your command line use the following command, and authenticate with your instituitional credentials, and inside FEUP's VPN/network:

docker login

Once your Docker is authenticated, configure the script with your image name. Example configuration: # Replace with your group's image name

You can now build and upload the docker image by executing that script from the project root folder:


There should be only one image per group. All team members should be able to update the image at any time, after they login with the Gitlab's registry.

You can test locally the image by running:

docker run -it -p 8000:80 --name=lbaw21XX -e DB_DATABASE="lbaw21XX" -e DB_SCHEMA="lbaw21XX" -e DB_USERNAME="lbaw21XX" -e DB_PASSWORD="PASSWORD" # Replace with your group's image name

The above command exposes your application on http://localhost:8000. The -e argument creates environment variables inside the container, used to provide Laravel with the required database configurations.

Your database configuration will be provided as an environment variable to your container on start. You do not need to specify it on your env file. Any specification there will be replaced when the docker image starts.

While running your container, you can use another terminal to run a shell inside the container by executing:

docker exec -it lbaw21XX bash

Inside the container you may, for example, see the content of the Web server logs by executing:

root@2804d54698c0:/# tail -f /var/log/nginx/error.log    # follow the errors
root@2804d54698c0:/# tail -f /var/log/nginx/access.log   # follow the accesses

You can stop the container with ctrl+c on the terminal running it, or with docker stop lbaw21XX on another terminal. -- LBAW, 2021


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