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Add spec for Speculation-Rules header (#202)
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We add specification text for the processing of the Speculation-Rules HTTP response header and the handling of external speculation rule resources.

Co-authored-by: Domenic Denicola <[email protected]>
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kjmcnee and domenic authored Nov 7, 2022
1 parent 01e1351 commit a15dff7
Showing 1 changed file with 98 additions and 0 deletions.
98 changes: 98 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,6 +48,12 @@ spec: urlpattern; urlPrefix:
type: constructor; for: URLPattern; text: "URLPattern(input, baseURL)"; url: dom-urlpattern-urlpattern
type: dictionary; text: URLPatternInit
type: dfn; text: match; url: match
spec: RFC8941; urlPrefix:
type: dfn
text: structured header; url: top
for: structured header
text: list; url: list
text: string; url: string
spec: nav-speculation; urlPrefix: prefetch.html
type: dfn
text: prefetch; url: prefetch
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,6 +121,10 @@ A <dfn>speculation rule set</dfn> is a [=struct=] with the following [=struct/it
* <dfn for="speculation rule set">prefetch rules</dfn>, a [=list=] of [=speculation rules=]
* <dfn for="speculation rule set">prerender rules</dfn>, a [=list=] of [=speculation rules=]

A <dfn>pending external speculation rule resource</dfn> is a [=struct=] with the following [=struct/items=]:
* <dfn for="pending external speculation rule resource">URL</dfn>, a [=URL=]
* <dfn for="pending external speculation rule resource">controller</dfn>, a [=fetch controller=] or null

A <dfn>document rule predicate</dfn> is one of the following:
* [=document rule conjunction=]
* [=document rule disjunction=]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -217,6 +227,87 @@ Inside the [=prepare the script element=] algorithm we make the following change

<h3 id="speculation-rules-header">The [:Speculation-Rules:] header</h3>
Note: This section contains modifications to [[HTML]].

The <dfn http-header><code>Speculation-Rules</code></dfn> HTTP response header is a [=structured header=] whose value must be a [=structured header/list=] whose members must be [=structured header/strings=] which are [=valid URL strings=].

<div algorithm>

To <dfn>process the Speculation-Rules header</dfn> given a [=document=] |document| and a [=response=] |response|:

1. Optionally, return.
<p class="note">The user agent could ignore this header, for example, if it does not intend to [=consider speculation=] for |document|.</p>
1. Let |parsedList| be the result of [=header list/getting a structured field value=] given [:Speculation-Rules:] and "`list`" from |response|'s [=response/header list=].
1. If |parsedList| is null, then return.
1. Let |baseUrl| be |document|'s [=document base URL=].
1. [=list/For each=] |item| of |parsedList|:
1. If |item| is not a [=string=], then [=iteration/continue=].
1. Let |parsedURL| be the result of [=basic URL parser|parsing=] |item| with |baseUrl|.
1. If |parsedURL| is failure, then [=iteration/continue=].
1. Let |pendingResource| be a [=pending external speculation rule resource=] with [=pending external speculation rule resource/URL=] |parsedURL| and [=pending external speculation rule resource/controller=] null.
1. [=list/Append=] |pendingResource| to |document|'s [=document/list of pending external speculation rule resources=].
1. [=Process pending external speculation rule resources=] given |document|.

In <a spec="HTML">create and initialize a `Document` object</a>, before the step

> 19. Return <var ignore>document</var>.

add the following step

> 19. [=Process the Speculation-Rules header=] given <var ignore>document</var> and <var ignore>navigationParams</var>'s [=response=].

<h3 id="external-speculation-rule-sets">External speculation rule sets</h3>

<div algorithm=>

To <dfn>process pending external speculation rule resources</dfn> given a [=document=] |document|:

1. Let |pendingResources| be |document|'s [=document/list of pending external speculation rule resources=].
1. [=list/For each=] |pendingResource| of |pendingResources|:
1. Optionally, [=pending external speculation rule resource/cancel and discard=] |pendingResource| given |document|, then [=iteration/continue=].
1. If |pendingResource|'s [=pending external speculation rule resource/controller=] is not null, then [=iteration/continue=].
1. Optionally, [=pending external speculation rule resource/fetch=] |pendingResource| given |document|.
<p class="note">The user agent may schedule the fetch of external speculation rules at its discretion. That is, if it skips the fetch during this call of [=process pending external speculation rule resources=], it might do the fetch during a later call.</p>


<div algorithm>

To <dfn for="pending external speculation rule resource">fetch</dfn> a [=pending external speculation rule resource=] |pendingResource| given a [=document=] |document|:
1. Let |pendingResources| be |document|'s [=document/list of pending external speculation rule resources=].
1. [=Assert=]: |pendingResources| [=list/contains=] |pendingResource|.
1. [=Assert=]: |pendingResource|'s [=pending external speculation rule resource/controller=] is null.
1. Let |settingsObject| be |document|'s [=relevant settings object=].
1. Let |requestURL| be |pendingResource|'s [=pending external speculation rule resource/URL=].
1. Let |request| be a new [=request=] whose [=request/URL=] is |requestURL|, [=request/client=] is |settingsObject|, and [=request/mode=] is "`cors`".
1. Let |controller| be the result of [=fetching=] given |request| with <i>[=fetch/processResponseConsumeBody=]</i> set to the following steps given [=response=] |response| and null, failure, or a [=byte sequence=] |body|:
1. [=list/Remove=] |pendingResource| from |pendingResources|.
1. If any of the following conditions are true, abort these steps:
* |body| is null.
* |body| is failure.
* |response|'s [=response/status=] is not an [=ok status=].
* The result of [=header list/extracting a MIME type=] from |response|'s [=response/header list=] does not have an [=MIME type/essence=] of "`application/speculationrules+json`".
1. Otherwise, let |text| be the result of [=UTF-8 decoding=] |body|.
1. Let |ruleSet| be the result of [=parsing speculation rules=] given |text| and |response|'s [=response/URL=].
1. If |ruleSet| is null, abort these steps.
<p class="note">User agents are encouraged to report failures of the previous steps.</p>
1. [=list/Append=] |ruleSet| to |document|'s [=document/list of speculation rule sets=].
1. Set |pendingResource|'s [=pending external speculation rule resource/controller=] to |controller|.


<div algorithm>

To <dfn for="pending external speculation rule resource">cancel and discard</dfn> a [=pending external speculation rule resource=] |pendingResource| given a [=document=] |document|:

1. Let |pendingResources| be |document|'s [=document/list of pending external speculation rule resources=].
1. [=Assert=]: |pendingResources| [=list/contains=] |pendingResource|.
1. Let |controller| be |pendingResource|'s [=pending external speculation rule resource/controller=].
1. If |controller| is not null, [=fetch controller/abort=] |controller|.
1. [=list/Remove=] |pendingResource| from |pendingResources|.

<h3 id="speculation-rules-parsing">Parsing</h3>

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -343,12 +434,19 @@ Inside the [=prepare the script element=] algorithm we make the following change

A [=document=] has a <dfn for=document export>list of speculation rule sets</dfn>, which is an initially empty [=list=].

A [=document=] has a <dfn for=document export>list of pending external speculation rule resources</dfn>, which is an initially empty [=list=] of [=pending external speculation rule resources=].

<!-- TODO(domfarolino): Get rid of the `data-link-type="interface"` once we fix the dfn in HTML. -->
Periodically, for any [=document=] |document|, the user agent may [=queue a global task=] on the <a data-link-type="interface">DOM manipulation task source</a> with |document|'s [=relevant global object=] to [=consider speculation=] for |document|.

<p class="note">
The user agent will likely do when resources are idle and available, or otherwise the circumstances of its previous decision whether to start a speculation could have changed.
<p class="note">
The user agent may still [=consider speculation=] when there are [=document/list of pending external speculation rule resources|rule sets that have not been loaded yet=].

The user agent may also [=queue a global task=] on the [=networking task source=] with |document|'s [=relevant global object=] to [=process pending external speculation rule resources=] given |document|.

A <dfn>prefetch candidate</dfn> is a [=struct=] with the following [=struct/items=]:
* <dfn for="prefetch candidate">URL</dfn>, a [=URL=]
Expand Down

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