This is a minesweeper game developed in Rust using Bevy, a free and open source data-driven game engine. The development is based on Bevy Minesweeper: Introduction - DEV Community but since the engine is very young and hence under very rapid iterations a lot of APIs have changed since the tutorial (it uses Bevy 0.8 while this repo is with Bevy 0.13). Some additional designs were also added in this repo.
Ensure you have Rust installed on your system. If not, you can download and install it from the official Rust website:
git clone
cd minesweeper
cargo run
There is also a web version of the game compiled by Bevy WebAssembly (WASM). To play the game in the browser:
rustup target install wasm32-unknown-unknown
cargo install wasm-server-runner
cd .carge
cargo serve_release