An abstract syntax tree printer for binary expressions.
java -jar infixpp.jar <files>
GUI mode (experimental):
java -cp infixpp.jar infixpp.gui.Main
Arithmetic expressions with five binary operators. The only operator of power (exponent) has right associativity. The operators of addition and subtraction has same precedence. Also multiplication and division has same precedence. Addition and subtraction are weaker than multiplication and division. Power has the strongest precedence.
Define '+' := "add".
Define '-' := "sub".
Define '*' := "mul".
Define '/' := "div".
Define '^' := "pow" right.
Order ('+', '-') < ('*', '/') < '^'.
Translate "1" + "2" * "3" - "4" End
Translate "1" + "2" * ("3" - "4") End
Translate "x" + "y" + "z" End
Translate "a" ^ "2" ^ "3" End
sub(add(1, mul(2, 3)), 4)
add(1, mul(2, sub(3, 4)))
add(add(x, y), z)
pow(a, pow(2, 3))
Propositional formulae with four binary operators. The only operator of implication has right associativity.
Define '<=>' := "eqv".
Define '=>' := "imp" right.
Define '\/' := "or".
Define '/\' := "and".
Order '<=>' < '=>' < '\/' < '/\'.
("p" => "q" => "p")
<=> ("a" \/ ("a" => "false"))
<=> (("a" /\ ("a" => "false")) => "false")
eqv(eqv(imp(p, imp(q, p)), or(a, imp(a, false))), imp(and(a, imp(a, false)), false))