This repository contains three Python scripts designed to interact with the FRED (Federal Reserve Economic Data) API to collect, process, and store economic data. The scripts retrieve top-level economic data categories, download specific data series, and organize the data into structured formats.
Fetches and stores top-level and sub-level category information from the FRED API.
Key Features:
- Connects to the FRED API using an API key.
- Retrieves all top-level categories and their subcategories recursively.
- Stores the collected data in
— Contains the entire category hierarchy from FRED.
Downloads time-series data for pre-defined economic indicators (e.g., GDP, CPI) using their known FRED series IDs.
Key Features:
- Maps series IDs to descriptions and data frequencies via the data_codes dictionary.
- Organizes the data by year and saves it in CSV format.
- Handles daily, monthly, and annual data granularity.
Output: Data files organized by indicator and year within the economic_data/ directory.
Purpose: Fetches series data for all categories recursively from the FRED API and stores them in structured directories.
Key Features:
- Recursively navigates through FRED categories to download all associated series.
- Cleans up filenames to ensure compatibility across operating systems.
- Stores data for each category in series_data.json files within dynamically created directories.
Output: Structured directories named by category ID and name. Data files organized by indicator and year within the categories/ directory.
Python Libraries: Install the required libraries:
pip install requests pandas
API Key: Replace the placeholder api_key in each script with a valid FRED API key.
- Ensure you have adequate permissions to write files to the working directory.
- Respect the FRED API's rate limits to avoid blocking requests.
- Modify the scripts as needed to add new indicators or handle additional data.
This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.