This a simple Customer Lifetime Value analysis using Buy Till You Die Modelling With PyMC Marketing library (and Lifetimes too!
This repo is accompanied by a Medium article availabe here:
The code is accompanied by a series of videos where the PPTX is also available in this repo
- BTYD Models :
- PyMC Marketing - Bayesian Inference, MCMC Sampling and Hierarchical Models
- Pratical Code Along
The data used is from the Online Retail II data set which contains all the transactions occurring for a UK-based and registered, non-store online retail between 01/12/2009 and 09/12/2011 available here:
Consider checking out my other repositories too ! :
- - This is an implementation of a custom Customer Retention Analysis class with a number of helpful methods to generate customer churn insights frequently used for marketing analytics to understand the growth and change of an organisation's customer base (new vs retained vs lost)
- - This a simple RFM Analysis Using K Means Clustering On A Publicly Available Brazilian e Commerce Dataset on Kaggle