yapping... somewhere around here yaps.gg
try notl.ink a blazingly fast url shortener ever.
Founder and CEO of Open Community (OC) - theopencommunity.co, CoMed - theopencommunity.co (OC W24), PaperAI - paperai.pro (OC F24), JustMakeThings - imcook.in (OC W24), That Two PhDs - thattwophds.co (OC W25), lovido - lovido.lol (OC S24) and more.
I build things and make content about it. Known mostly for 70+ Hackathons, 400+ Fails, 4+ Papers, 200K+ Creators, 2+ Open Source contributions and $OC meme coin.
Checkout my YouTube, Twitter, Twitch and more
Tell me about Ibrohim Abdivokhidov (aka abdibrokhim).