Releases: abhisheksr01/github-actions
Releases · abhisheksr01/github-actions
Continuous Integration
- 6cb8f0c - (cog) #2 add cog.toml config - abhisheksr01
- 4ba1be3 - (pipeline.yml) #2 update the correct outputs in release pipeline - abhisheksr01
- c47a987 - (pipeline.yml) #2 add release pipeline for this CI - abhisheksr01
- 921e338 - (cog-bump) #2 print outputs in the custom action - abhisheksr01
- f110d0f - (cog-bump) #2 add custom action for bumping release version based on conventional commit - abhisheksr01
- 7759dc3 - (setup-cocogitto) #1 add custom action for installing a desired cog version in CI - abhisheksr01