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Ably Chat SDK for JavaScript to build chat experiences at scale


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Ably Chat SDK for TypeScript and React


Ably Chat is a set of purpose-built APIs for a host of chat features enabling you to create 1:1, 1:Many, Many:1 and Many:Many chat rooms for any scale. It is designed to meet a wide range of chat use cases, such as livestreams, in-game communication, customer support, or social interactions in SaaS products. Built on Ably's core service, it abstracts complex details to enable efficient chat architectures.

Get started using the 📚 documentation and 🚀check out the live demo, or 📘 browse the API reference.

Ably Chat Header

Supported Platforms

This SDK supports the following platforms:

Browsers: All major desktop and mobile browsers, including (but not limited to) Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari on iOS and macOS, Opera, and Android browsers. Internet Explorer is not supported.

Node.js: Version 20.x or newer.

Typescript: This library is written in TypeScript and has full TypeScript support.

React: The library ships with a number of providers and hooks for React, which provide a closer integration with that ecosystem.

React Native We aim to support all platforms supported by React Native. If you find any issues please raise an issue or contact us.

Android and iOS are also supported by the Kotlin and Swift SDKs respectively.

Supported chat features

This project is under development so we will be incrementally adding new features. At this stage, you'll find APIs for the following chat features:

  • Chat rooms for 1:1, 1:many, many:1 and many:many participation.
  • Sending, receiving, editing and deleting chat messages.
  • Online status aka presence of chat participants.
  • Chat room occupancy, i.e total number of connections and presence members.
  • Typing indicators
  • Room-level reactions (ephemeral at this stage)

If there are other features you'd like us to prioritize, please let us know.


You will need the following prerequisites:

  • An Ably account
    • You can sign up to the generous free tier.
  • An Ably API key
    • Use the default or create a new API key in an app within your Ably account dashboard.
    • Make sure your API key has the following capabilities: publish, subscribe, presence, history and channel-metadata.


The Chat SDK can be installed either from NPM, or included directly from Ably's CDN. Note that you also need to install the core Ably SDK.


npm install ably @ably/chat


For browsers, you can also include the Chat SDK directly into your HTML:

<!-- Ably Chat also requires the core Ably SDK to be available -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
  const realtime = new Ably.Realtime({ key: 'your-ably-key' });
  const chatClient = new AblyChat.ChatClient(realtime);

The Ably client library follows Semantic Versioning. To lock into a major or minor version of the client library, you can specify a specific version number such as for all v0._ versions, or for all v0.1._ versions, or you can lock into a single release with See for a list of tagged releases.

Getting Started

By the end of this guide, you will have initialized the Ably Chat client and sent your first chat message.


First, make sure you've installed the Chat SDK using the instructions above. Now, create a .ts file with the following code. Replace the <API_KEY> with your own key from the Ably dashboard.

import * as Ably from "ably";
import {
} from "@ably/chat";

async function getStartedWithChat() {
  // Create a new Ably Realtime client to connect to Ably with your key
  // Note: in production, you should use tokens for authentication, rather than a key.
  const ablyClient = new Ably.Realtime({
    key: "<API_KEY>",
    clientId: "ably-chat",

  // Create a new Ably Chat client, using the Ably client you created
  // The same client can be re-used for as long as your application is running
  const chatClient = new ChatClient(ablyClient);
  const { off: unsubscribeConnectionStatus } =
    chatClient.connection.onStatusChange((change: ConnectionStatusChange) => {
      console.log("Connection state changed to", change.current);

  // Get a room to join, subscribe to messages and then attach to the room
  const room = await chatClient.rooms.get(
  const { off: unsubscribeRoomStatus } = room.onStatusChange(
    (change: RoomStatusChange) => {
      console.log("Room state changed to", change.current);

  const { unsubscribe: messageUnsubscribe } = room.messages.subscribe(
    (message: MessageEvent) => {
      console.log("Received message:", message.message.text);
  await room.attach();

  // Send our message to the room
  await room.messages.send({
    text: "Hello, World! This is my first message with Ably Chat!",

  // After 5 seconds, release the room, remove our subscriptions and close the connection
  setTimeout(async () => {
    await chatClient.rooms.release(room.roomId);
    await ablyClient.close();
  }, 5000);


Now, run the file you created using the following command:

npx ts-node <your-file>.ts

You should now see the following in your terminal:

Room state changed to attaching
Connection state changed to connected
Room state changed to attached
Received message: Hello, World! This is my first message with Ably Chat!
Room state changed to releasing
Room state changed to released

Congratulations! You've just sent your first message using the Ably Chat SDK for TypeScript!


Start by creating a project with your framework of choice. For the purpose of this tutorial, we'll use Vite.

npm create vite@latest ably-chat-getting-started -- --template react-ts

Next, install the Ably Chat SDK using the instructions above.

Create a new file, Messages.tsx, with the following content. This component is a very simple message display with an input box.

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { Message, MessageEvent, useMessages } from '@ably/chat';

// This is a simple chat component that uses the useMessages hook in Ably Chat to send and receive messages.
export function Messages() {

  // Setup some state for the messages and a listener for chat messages using the useMessages hook
  const [message, setMessage] = useState('My first message with Ably Chat!');
  const [messages, setMessages] = useState<Message[]>([]);
  const { send } = useMessages(
      listener: (event: MessageEvent) => {
        console.log('message', message);
        setMessages(prev => [...prev, event.message]);

  // This function takes the message from the input field and sends it to the chat using the send function
  // returned from the useMessages hook
  const handleSend = async () => {
    try {
      await send({ text: message });
      console.log('sent message', message);
      setMessage(''); // Clear input after successful send
    } catch (error) {
      console.error('error sending message', error);

  // This is a very simple UI that displays the messages and a text input for sending messages.
  return (
    <div style={{ 
      maxWidth: '600px',
      minWidth: '400px',
      margin: '20px auto',
      fontFamily: 'Arial, sans-serif'
      {/* Container for the messages */}
      <div className="messages-container" style={{ 
        height: '400px', 
        overflowY: 'auto',
        border: '1px solid #e0e0e0',
        borderRadius: '8px',
        marginBottom: '20px',
        padding: '16px',
        backgroundColor: '#f8f9fa'
        {, index) => (
              backgroundColor: 'white',
              padding: '10px 15px',
              borderRadius: '12px',
              marginBottom: '8px',
              boxShadow: '0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.1)',
              maxWidth: '80%'
            {/* Display the message timestamp and text */}
            <div style={{ fontSize: '0.8em', color: '#666', marginBottom: '4px' }}>
              {new Date(msg.timestamp).toLocaleTimeString()}
            <div style={{ wordBreak: 'break-word', color: '#333' }}>
      <div className="input-container" style={{
        display: 'flex',
        gap: '10px'
        {/* Input field for sending messages */}
          onChange={(e) => setMessage(}
          placeholder="Type your message..."
            flex: 1,
            padding: '10px',
            borderRadius: '4px',
            border: '1px solid #e0e0e0',
            fontSize: '16px'
          onKeyDown={(e) => {
            if (e.key === 'Enter' && !e.shiftKey) {
        {/* Button for sending messages */}
            padding: '10px 20px',
            backgroundColor: '#007bff',
            color: 'white',
            border: 'none',
            borderRadius: '4px',
            cursor: 'pointer',
            fontSize: '16px'

Now, update your App.tsx (or similar) to initialize the Ably Chat client and render the component you just created. Replace the <API_KEY> with your own key from the Ably dashboard.

import * as Ably from 'ably';
import { ChatClient, ChatClientProvider, ChatRoomProvider, RoomOptionsDefaults } from '@ably/chat';
import { Messages } from './Messages';

// Initialize an Ably Realtime client, which we'll use to power the chat client
// Note: in production, you should use tokens for authentication, rather than a key.
const ablyClient = new Ably.Realtime({
  clientId: 'ably-chat',
  key: "<API_KEY>"

// Create the chat client
const chatClient = new ChatClient(ablyClient, {});

// This an example App component that uses the chat client to power a chat UI. Your app will likely be
// much different to this.
// The ChatClientProvider provides the chat client to the underlying components and React hooks.
// The ChatRoomProvider provides the chat room to the underlying components and React hooks.
// For now, we're using the default room with some default options.
function App() {
  return (
    <ChatClientProvider client={chatClient}>
      <ChatRoomProvider id="readme-getting-started" options={RoomOptionsDefaults}>
          <Messages />

export default App; 

Now, start the development environment:

npm run dev

In your browser, you should see a message display and a pre-filled input box. Click the Send button and this will send your message to Ably. If this succeeds, the message will appear in the main display window.

Congratulations! You've just sent your first message using the Ably Chat SDK for React!


For guidance on how to contribute to this project, see the contributing guidelines.

Support, feedback and troubleshooting

Please visit for access to our knowledge base and to ask for any assistance. You can also view the community reported Github issues or raise one yourself.

To see what has changed in recent versions, see the changelog.

Further reading