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David AMAR edited this page Feb 25, 2017 · 4 revisions

This page includes a summary for each defcustom.


More Help

Hydras can be helpful with:

(setq hydra-is-helpful t)

On by default.

When non-nil, you’ll get a hint in the Echo Area consisting of current Hydra’s base comment and heads. You can even add comments to the heads like this:

(defhydra hydra-zoom (global-map "<f2>")
  ("g" text-scale-increase "in")
  ("l" text-scale-decrease "out"))

With this, you’ll see zoom: [g]: in, [l]: out. in your Echo Area, once the zoom Hydra becomes active.


Dedicated window for Hydra hints

(setq hydra-lv t)

On by default.

When non-nil, use a dedicated window right above the Echo Area for hints. This has the advantage that you can immediately see any message output from the functions that you call, since Hydra no longer uses message to display the hint. You can still have the old behavior by setting hydra-lv to nil.


Use a fancy separator between =LV= and the Echo Area

(setq lv-use-separator t)

Off by default.

When non-nil, draw a line between the *LV* window and the Echo Area.


Re-throw errors caught in =defhydra=

(setq hydra-verbose t)

Off by default.

When nil, if defhydra macro catches an error it will expand to nil and let your Emacs continue loading. The error will be logged to *Messages*.

When non-nil, re-throw an error instead. Useful if you’re in the process of writing new Hydras, and want to see the error output after e.g. C-x C-e without having to switch to *Messages*.


When enabled, hydra detects =[remap]= directive and will call the remapped command where applicable

(setq hydra-look-for-remap t)

Off by default (compatibility setting).


(defhydra hydra-magit (:color blue)
  ("RET" magit-visit-thing "visit magit things at point")

magit-visit-thing is a placeholder command that does nothing by default. This command is remapped to the correct one (ie: visit ref, visit diff etc…) according to the current active mode/keymap.

When hydra-look-for-remap is nil, no matter the current mode, hydra will always call the placeholder which is not very useful. When not nil, hydra will respects the [remap] and do the expected results.

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