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improvment in xf
Repeatable yank(-pop) command, with an option to switch to a list view using helm
(defhydra hydra-yank-pop ()
("C-y" yank nil)
("M-y" yank-pop nil)
("y" (yank-pop 1) "next")
("Y" (yank-pop -1) "prev")
("l" helm-show-kill-ring "list" :color blue)) ; or browse-kill-ring
(global-set-key (kbd "M-y") #'hydra-yank-pop/yank-pop)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-y") #'hydra-yank-pop/yank)
For many Emacs users, basic movement commands are the most frequently used! Set up a movement group that means we don't need to hold the control key.
(kbd "C-n")
(defhydra hydra-move
(:body-pre (next-line))
("n" next-line)
("p" previous-line)
("f" forward-char)
("b" backward-char)
("a" beginning-of-line)
("e" move-end-of-line)
("v" scroll-up-command)
;; Converting M-v to V here by analogy.
("V" scroll-down-command)
("l" recenter-top-bottom)))
Repeatable page navigation commands, handy for large files with page delimiters.
(defhydra hydra-page (ctl-x-map "" :pre (widen))
("]" forward-page "next")
("[" backward-page "prev")
("n" narrow-to-page "narrow" :bind nil :exit t))
Enhanced goto-line command:
- Temporarily show line-numbers while the hydra is active
- Use
to set the mark andg
to jump to another line, i.e. to mark a range of lines by number. - Note that prefix arguments work, for example:
M-g 50 RET
-- go to line 50 -
5 5 g
-- jump ahead to line 55 -
-- set the mark -
6 5 g
-- extend the marked region to line 65 -
-- save the region to the kill-ring and exit the hydra
(defhydra hydra-goto-line (goto-map ""
:pre (linum-mode 1)
:post (linum-mode -1))
("g" goto-line "go")
("m" set-mark-command "mark" :bind nil)
("q" nil "quit"))
Simple hydra to move current line (or region, if there is one) up and down. Requires
, which can be installed from MELPA.
(defhydra hydra-move-text ()
"Move text"
("u" move-text-up "up")
("d" move-text-down "down"))
(Look ma, no modifiers!)
This example was proposed here on Stack Exchange. It
binds the key sequence xf to ido-find-file
while still allowing you to type "x"
normally for any other purpose. The hydra times out after half a second so if you really need to
type "xf" you can hit the x, wait a moment, and then proceed.
(defun x-hydra-pre ()
(insert "x")
(let ((timer (timer-create)))
(timer-set-time timer (timer-relative-time (current-time) 0.5))
(timer-set-function timer 'hydra-keyboard-quit)
(timer-activate timer)))
(defhydra x-hydra (:body-pre x-hydra-pre
:color blue
:hint nil)
("f" (progn (zap-to-char -1 ?x) (ido-find-file))))
(global-set-key "x" #'x-hydra/body)
The following is an improvement, since you do not want to visit a file whilst leaving the previous file modified.
(defun x-hydra-pre ()
(let ((timer (timer-create)))
(timer-set-time timer (timer-relative-time (current-time) 1))
(timer-set-function timer '(lambda () (progn (insert "x") (hydra-keyboard-quit))))
(timer-activate timer)))
(defhydra x-hydra (:body-pre x-hydra-pre
:color blue
:hint nil)
("f" (ido-find-file)))
(global-set-key "x" #'x-hydra/body)
Outline minor mode keybingings are often repeated and hard to remember. This hydra solve it with the same keybindings. outline-minor-mode must be enabled.
(defhydra hydra-outline (:color pink :hint nil)
^Hide^ ^Show^ ^Move
_q_: sublevels _a_: all _u_: up
_t_: body _e_: entry _n_: next visible
_o_: other _i_: children _p_: previous visible
_c_: entry _k_: branches _f_: forward same level
_l_: leaves _s_: subtree _b_: backward same level
_d_: subtree
;; Hide
("q" hide-sublevels) ; Hide everything but the top-level headings
("t" hide-body) ; Hide everything but headings (all body lines)
("o" hide-other) ; Hide other branches
("c" hide-entry) ; Hide this entry's body
("l" hide-leaves) ; Hide body lines in this entry and sub-entries
("d" hide-subtree) ; Hide everything in this entry and sub-entries
;; Show
("a" show-all) ; Show (expand) everything
("e" show-entry) ; Show this heading's body
("i" show-children) ; Show this heading's immediate child sub-headings
("k" show-branches) ; Show all sub-headings under this heading
("s" show-subtree) ; Show (expand) everything in this heading & below
;; Move
("u" outline-up-heading) ; Up
("n" outline-next-visible-heading) ; Next
("p" outline-previous-visible-heading) ; Previous
("f" outline-forward-same-level) ; Forward - same level
("b" outline-backward-same-level) ; Backward - same level
("z" nil "leave"))
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c #") 'hydra-outline/body) ; by example
This Hydra coupled by the saner occur defined here as well as some other customization allows:
- searching for the regexp
- navigating matches without leaving the occur buffer
- navigating using simple key strokes
- hiding the occur buffer
- re-attaching to the occur buffer in a split window
Keystrokes having meaning to occur are preserved and should work as per defaults. For example e should put you in occur-edit-mode
, q should quit the occur mode, etc.
Complete code is below:
(defun occur-dwim ()
"Call `occur' with a sane default, chosen as the thing under point or selected region"
(push (if (region-active-p)
(let ((sym (thing-at-point 'symbol)))
(when (stringp sym)
(regexp-quote sym))))
(call-interactively 'occur))
;; Keeps focus on *Occur* window, even when when target is visited via RETURN key.
;; See hydra-occur-dwim for more options.
(defadvice occur-mode-goto-occurrence (after occur-mode-goto-occurrence-advice activate)
(other-window 1)
;; Focus on *Occur* window right away.
(add-hook 'occur-hook (lambda () (other-window 1)))
(defun reattach-occur ()
(if (get-buffer "*Occur*")
(switch-to-buffer-other-window "*Occur*")
(hydra-occur-dwim/body) ))
;; Used in conjunction with occur-mode-goto-occurrence-advice this helps keep
;; focus on the *Occur* window and hides upon request in case needed later.
(defhydra hydra-occur-dwim ()
"Occur mode"
("o" occur-dwim "Start occur-dwim" :color red)
("j" occur-next "Next" :color red)
("k" occur-prev "Prev":color red)
("h" delete-window "Hide" :color blue)
("r" (reattach-occur) "Re-attach" :color red))
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x o") 'hydra-occur-dwim/body)
Emacs ships with many useful "Apropos" commands that let you search for patterns. If you want to get into the habit of using these commands more often, the following Hydras might help:
(defhydra hydra-apropos (:color blue)
("a" apropos "apropos")
("c" apropos-command "cmd")
("d" apropos-documentation "doc")
("e" apropos-value "val")
("l" apropos-library "lib")
("o" apropos-user-option "option")
("u" apropos-user-option "option")
("v" apropos-variable "var")
("i" info-apropos "info")
("t" tags-apropos "tags")
("z" hydra-customize-apropos/body "customize"))
(defhydra hydra-customize-apropos (:color blue)
"Apropos (customize)"
("a" customize-apropos "apropos")
("f" customize-apropos-faces "faces")
("g" customize-apropos-groups "groups")
("o" customize-apropos-options "options"))
Many transpose options collected so they're easily accessible.
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c m")
(defhydra hydra-transpose (:color red)
("c" transpose-chars "characters")
("w" transpose-words "words")
("o" org-transpose-words "Org mode words")
("l" transpose-lines "lines")
("s" transpose-sentences "sentences")
("e" org-transpose-elements "Org mode elements")
("p" transpose-paragraphs "paragraphs")
("t" org-table-transpose-table-at-point "Org mode table")
("q" nil "cancel" :color blue)))
Ediff is a comprehensive visual interface to Unix diff and patch utilities. See (info "(ediff) Introduction")
for more information on Ediff.
This is a simple hydra to access most common features: comparing buffers, files, revisions or regions side by side.
(defhydra hydra-ediff (:color blue :hint nil)
^Buffers Files VC Ediff regions
_b_uffers _f_iles (_=_) _r_evisions _l_inewise
_B_uffers (3-way) _F_iles (3-way) _w_ordwise
_c_urrent file
("b" ediff-buffers)
("B" ediff-buffers3)
("=" ediff-files)
("f" ediff-files)
("F" ediff-files3)
("c" ediff-current-file)
("r" ediff-revision)
("l" ediff-regions-linewise)
("w" ediff-regions-wordwise))
Hideshow is a great minor mode for code folding. Unfortunately, the shortcuts are a bit cumbersome. But fear not, hydra to the rescue!
(defhydra hydra-hs (:idle 1.0)
Hide^^ ^Show^ ^Toggle^ ^Navigation^
_h_ hide all _s_ show all _t_oggle _n_ext line
_d_ hide block _a_ show block _p_revious line
_l_ hide level
_SPC_ cancel
("s" hs-show-all)
("h" hs-hide-all)
("a" hs-show-block)
("d" hs-hide-block)
("t" hs-toggle-hiding)
("l" hs-hide-level)
("n" forward-line)
("p" (forward-line -1))
("SPC" nil)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c @") 'hydra-hs/body) # Example binding
- Binding-Styles
- Basics
- Verbosity
- Verbosity-Long-Short
- Conditional-Hydra
- defcustom
- Hydra-Colors
- internals
- Nesting-Hydras
- Prefix-map