Releases: access-ci-org/Jetstream_Cluster
Initial Release of Version 2.0.0
This release is the recommended version of the Jetstream Virtual Cluster to use.
It uses CentOS 8 as the base OS and OpenHPC 2.0.
Application credentials are now used to authenticate with Openstack - no more password storage on virtual machines!
The installation process is simplified, there is now a single command to run after creating your local openrc file.
(Modification of the cluster configuration, of course, still requires editing of some files)
It is possible to use a non-standard subnet, by editing installation scripts ( and
This is limited to any 10.x.x.x/24 subnet, if you change the naming convention BE WARY.
The addition of commandline arguments to modify the VC will be considered in the future, as will migration to a more fully cloud-init centered build.
v1.0.1 App Cred Update
This release includes updates to the CentOS 7 VC which allow the use of
Application Credentials instead of the standard openrc with password
Non-Default subnets (any subnet you want as long as it's 10.x.x.x/24! - but be careful to edit the definition in ALL locations)
A single command to generate a new cluster - now also runs on the new instance.
Initial VC Release - CentOS7
This release marks the (likely) final iteration of the OpenHPC-1.3.9 based, CentOS 7 based Virtual Cluster toolkit.
Bugfixes will be released as found, but most development work and all new production resources will be created using the CentOS 8 version, which will be released shortly. The current version will live on in a separate branch, to allow access and updates to this older version.