This repository contains a collection of MICRESS 6.4 examples.
MICRESS is a software simulating microstructure formation in time and space during phase transformations. The software is based on the multiphase-field concept which has been developed at the ACCESS research center since 1995.
Notice that the total size of this repository is approx. 2 GByte. You will find information on how to download individual examples in this section.
- A001_Delta_Gamma (Dendritic solidification / peritectic reaction in Fe-C-Mn)
- A002_AlCu_Temp1d (Equiaxed solidification of multiple Al-Cu grains)
- A003_CastIronDendriteNodules
- A004_Gamma_Alpha_TQ
- A005_Grain_Growth_Misorientation_3D (Misorientation-dependent grain growth (3D))
- A006_CMSX4 (Solidification of superalloy CMSX4)
- A007_Dendrite_AlSi_3D (Solidification of an AlSi7 alloy simulated in three dimensions (linearised phase diagrams))
- A008_Dendrite_AlSi_3D_flow
- A009_Flow_Permeability
- A011_Flow_Readfrac
- A012_GammaAlphaCementite_TQ
- A013_GammaAlphaPearlite_TQ
- B001_1D_ConstantDrivingForce
- B002_1D_ConstantDrivingForce_MovingFrame
- B003_1Grain_GrowthFromLiquid
- B004_1Grain_GrowthFromLiquid_ZeroInitialSize
- B005_1Grain_RoundInverse
- B006_1Grain_Shrinking_3D
- B007_1Grain_Shrinking
- B008_1Grain_Solidification_FiniteInitialSize
- B009_2Phases_1Grain
- B010_2Phases_DirectionalShrinking
- B011_2Phases_DirectionalShrinking_MovingFrame
- B012_2Phases_DirectionalShrinking_Triple
- B013_Liq+2Phases_Triple_Inert
- B014_Liq+2Phases_Triple_Inert_Wetting
- B015_3Phases_Triple
- B016_diffusion_control
- B017_Flow_Cylinder_Karman
- T001_Delta_Gamma (Dendritic solidification / peritectic reaction in Fe-C-Mn)
- T002_AlCu_Equiaxed (Equiaxed solidification of multiple Al-Cu grains)
- T003_AlCu (Equiaxed solidification of a single Al-Cu grain)
- T004_AlCu_Temp1d
- T005_AlSi_trapping
- T006_AlSi_trapping_ATC_mob_corr
- T007_AlSi_trapping_ATC
- T008_CastIronNodule
- T009_CastIronDendriteNodules
- T010_Gamma_Alpha
- T011_Gamma_Alpha_TQ
- T012_Gamma_Alpha_PARA
- T013_Gamma_Alpha_PARATQ
- T014_Gamma_Alpha_Stress
- T015_Gamma_Alpha_FeC_Acicular
- T016_GammaAlphaCementite_TQ
- T017_GammaAlphaCementite_LinTQ
- T018_GammaAlphaPearlite_TQ
- T020_Grain_Growth_initialFromFile
- T021_Grain_Growth_Profiles
- T022_Grain_Growth_Pinning_Pres
- T023_Grain_Growth_Solute_Drag
- T024_Grain_Growth_Solute_Drag_dG
- T025_GrainGrowth
- T026_GrainGrowth_Misorientation (Isotropic grain growth with a random initial microstructure)
- T027_SubGrainGrowth
- T028_Grain_Growth_3D
- T029_Grain_Growth_Misorientation_3D
- T030_Flow_Cylinder_Laminar
- T031_P_Peak_1D (Segregation in Fe-C-Mn-P-Si (one dimension))
- T032_P_Peak_2D (Segregation in Fe-C-Mn-P-Si (two dimensions))
- T033_ReX_deterministic (Mesoscopic recrystallisation starting from a deterministic initial microstructure)
- T034_ReX_local_Humphreys (Recrystallisation with applying the Humphreys model locally)
- T035_ReX_local_recovery (Recrystallisation with local recovery)
- T036_ReX_mean_dislocation (Recrystallisation using mean dislocation densities per grain)
- T037_ReX_random (Recrystallisation starting with a randomly created initial microstructure)
- T038_Stress
- T039_5Grains_DifferentSizes
- T040_Facetted_Grain
- T041_Facetted_Grains
- T042_TQ_Ripening (Ripening (including TQ-coupling))
- T043_dendrit_AlNi
- T044_Dendrite
- T045_Directional_Eutectic
- T046_Equiaxed_Eutectic
- T047_TQ_Eutectic (Eutectic solidification (including TQ-coupling))
- T049_Temperature
DownGit provides a web interface for downloading an individual file or folder from a GitHub project. In order to download a MICRESS example using DownGit, copy the GitHub address of the example folder and paste it in the DownGit address bar.
For more options, read this post.