Must watch videos about Clojure in the same vein as js-must-watch (
- Rich Hickey: Transducers [45:00]
- David Nolen: ClojureScript: Lisp's Revenge [32:02]
- Zach Tellman: Always Be Composing [35:11]
- Rich Hickey and Brian Beckman: Inside Clojure [53:55]
- Timothy Baldridge: Core.Async [39:45]
- David Nolen: Clojure Library Core.async for Asynchronous Programming [55:31]
- Rich Hickey: Design, Composition and Performance [55:24]
- Rich Hickey: The Value of Values [31:43]
- Rich Hickey: Clojure Concurrency [2:32:38]
- Rich Hickey: ClojureScript Release [1:27:19]
- Stuart Halloway: The Impedence Mismatch is Our Fault [58:31]
- Rich Hickey: Clojure for Java Programmers Part 1 [1:48:12]
- Rich Hickey: Clojure for Java Programmers Part 2 [59:26]
- Rich Hickey: Simple Made Easy [1:01:26]
- Rich Hickey: Are We There Yet? [1:10:04]