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Releases: aeron-io/aeron


14 Mar 11:30
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  • [Driver] Increment retransmit count only if data was actually sent.
  • [Cluster] Fix buffer reference for ClusterMarkFile. (#1753)
  • [Cluster/Archive] Protect against access to the closed mark file.
  • [Cluster/Archive] Prevent JVM crash when opening an old version of the mark file (i.e. without a message header).
  • [C++ Wrapper] Add an AsyncDestination type definition to Subscription.h. (#1749)
  • [C++ Wrapper] Change wrapper version of the Context so that it does not hold a pointer to the underlying C context and track the values directly on the object and pass them through during init. Keep the pointer to the C context on the Aeron object to be properly cleaned up. (#1730)
  • [C] Check that an image exists in the Subscription when retaining/releasing. (#1752)


14 Feb 13:55
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  • [Java] Reset ClusterBackup state if the Cluster node from which ClusterBackup is replaying the log is "not available", i.e. either no longer eligible (i.e. after an election) or the backup query cannot be sent to it (e.g. ConsensusModule is down).
  • [Java] Fix typo in ReplicationSession state change reason.
  • [C] Adding setter/getter methods for CPU affinity to media driver. (#1737)
  • [C] Support use of sendmmsg() without an address (i.e. when connect address is used). (#1742)
  • [C] Close image when it is being removed from a subscription.
  • [C++ Wrapper] Decrement ref count of an Image after it was created, because it was counted twice: once in the C code when looking the aeron_image_t and the second time by invoking aeron_subscription_image_retain inside the Image constructor.
  • [C++ Wrapper] Remove definitions that shadow aeron_logbuffer_descriptor.h definitions. (#1740)
  • [Java] Upgrade to Gradle 8.12.1.
  • [Java] Upgrade to Shadow 8.3.6.
  • [Java] Upgrade to Checkstyle 10.21.2.
  • [Java] Upgrade to ByteBuddy 1.17.1.


30 Jan 16:28
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Known issues

  • [Java] ClusterBackup might connect to two different Cluster nodes simultaneously whereby one is used to provide the live Raft log replay and to download the snapshots, whereas the other one is used to fetch the latest list of snapshot entries and the recording log metadata. As long as all of the Cluster nodes are "in sync" (i.e. have the same set of snapshots) then everything is ok. However, if the second node from which ClusterBackup fetches the snapshots was down for some time (i.e. does not have all of the snapshots) then the ClusterBackup might end up with a broken recording log whereby recording log entries will have a different log position to the underlying snapshot recordings.
    Fixed in 1.47.3


  • [Java] Fix a regression in AeronArchive#listRecording which could return arbitrary recording information when the specified recordingId is not found (does not exist or state is not VALID) instead of sending back ControlResponseCode.RECORDING_UNKNOWN.
  • [C] Apply aeron.conductor.cpu.affinity to the thead in SHARED threading mode and aeron.sender.cpu.affinity to sender/receiver thread in SHARED_NETWORK threading mode.
  • [C] Add support for setting CPU affinity for the async executor thread (aeron.driver.async.executor.cpu.affinity property and AERON_DRIVER_ASYNC_EXECUTOR_CPU_AFFINITY env variable).


29 Jan 16:30
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Known issues

  • [Java] ClusterBackup might connect to two different Cluster nodes simultaneously whereby one is used to provide the live Raft log replay and to download the snapshots, whereas the other one is used to fetch the latest list of snapshot entries and the recording log metadata. As long as all of the Cluster nodes are "in sync" (i.e. have the same set of snapshots) then everything is ok. However, if the second node from which ClusterBackup fetches the snapshots was down for some time (i.e. does not have all of the snapshots) then the ClusterBackup might end up with a broken recording log whereby recording log entries will have a different log position to the underlying snapshot recordings.
    Fixed in 1.47.3



17 Jan 22:59
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Important Update: Aeron is moving to a new GitHub organisation

Aeron is moving to a new GitHub organisation following its adoption by Adaptive in 2022. This transition marks a significant milestone in Aeron's journey, ensuring continued innovation and support for the world's leading low-latency message transport system.

You can find the new Aeron, SBE and Agrona repositories and all related resources at aeron-io.

All links to the previous repository location are automatically redirected to the new location.
However, to avoid confusion, we recommend updating any existing local clones to point to the new repository URL. You can do this by using git remote on the command line:

git remote set-url origin NEW_URL

Thank you for your continued support and contributions to the Aeron Open Source project.

Breaking changes

  • [Java] Agrona upgrade contains breaking changes. See Agrona 2.0.0 release notes.

    Note: --add-opens java.base/jdk.internal.misc=ALL-UNNAMED JVM option must be specified in order to run Aeron. In addition to --add-opens java.base/ that is required to running the Aeron Archive.

Noteworthy Changes

  • Detect and terminate dormant Archive clients.

    Archive will now send periodic heartbeat messages to each connected Archive client. By default it is done once per second and can be configured via aeron.archive.session.liveness.check.interval property or programmatically via io.aeron.archive.Archive.Context#sessionLivenessCheckIntervalNs(long) method. If it detects that it cannot send such a message for more than a connection timeout (i.e. aeron.archive.connect.timeout, defaults to 5 seconds) then it will close the corresponding control session which will cause such Archive client to disconnect.

  • Eliminate interference between Archive clients.

  • C/C++ Wrapper implementation of the Archive client APIs.

    In terms of feature completeness and stability, they are still marked experimental, as there's a small chance some of the functions might change as the feature is hardened. Furthermore, a number of the async APIs have yet to be implemented.

  • Fix duplicate service messages during failover/restart when using multiple services in Cluster.

    When service messages are being sent from multiple services, these can be enqueued in different orders. This means during failover/restart pending messages can be skipped or duplicated when a new leader is elected.

    Upgrade procedure: Those affected will need to do a clean shutdown (with a snapshot) and restart the whole cluster with the fix.

  • Invalidate Standby snapshots.

    When invalidating latest snapshot both normal and Standby snapshots are taken into account. In order to prevent invalidated snapshots from being re-downloaded from the Standby node upon recovery.

  • New log events for NAK messages sent and received.

    NAK_RECEIVED logging event was added when a NAK request is received by the sender. An existing SEND_NAK_MESSAGE event was renamed to NAK_SENT and logs a NAK message being sent by the receiver.

  • Prevent client process crashing by a pathologically slow consumer.

    If a call to Controlled/FragmentHandler#onFragment blocks for disproportionate amount of time, i.e. long enough for an Image to become unavailable. Then the corresponding log buffer will freed by the client conductor thread. Any further access to the log buffer will cause the client process to segfault. The Image was updated to prevent any further access once it was closed.

Known issues

  • [Java] AeronArchive#listRecording/listRecordings/listRecordingsForUri/listRecordingSubscriptions might return a wrong recording information upon BACK_PRESSURED/ADMIN_ACTION result when sending a recording descriptor.
    Fixed in 5ad7601.
  • [Java] ClusterBackup might connect to two different Cluster nodes simultaneously whereby one is used to provide the live Raft log replay and to download the snapshots, whereas the other one is used to fetch the latest list of snapshot entries and the recording log metadata. As long as all of the Cluster nodes are "in sync" (i.e. have the same set of snapshots) then everything is ok. However, if the second node from which ClusterBackup fetches the snapshots was down for some time (i.e. does not have all of the snapshots) then the ClusterBackup might end up with a broken recording log whereby recording log entries will have a different log position to the underlying snapshot recordings.
    Fixed in 1.47.3


  • [Java] Speedup purgeSegments/deleteDetachedSegments operations by only deleting files in a range between the current startPosition and the previous startPosition (purge) or the oldest existing segment file position (detached files).
  • [C] Fix dangling pointer in replay merge. (#1723)
  • [Java] Prevent segfaults through mark file API after close.
  • [Java] Trigger slow build on push to master.
  • [Java] Do not close Cluster archive when doing next rounds of backup queries since the replay might still be active. Also do not switch to RESET_BACKUP state unless the current Cluster node has switched its role and therefore is no longer eligible for replay.
  • [Java] Use ClusterEvent instead of ClusterException with Category.WARN.
  • [Java] Use ClusterEvent to report issues when stopping recording/replay + prevent an NPE when stopping a replay as clusterArchive could have been closed while in the BACKUP_QUERY stage.
  • [C/C++] Change interval of driver keepalive error reporting.
  • [C] Update C driver to use the same matching logic as the Java driver for checking the validity of tagged publications and subscriptions.
  • [CI] Core dump dir creation.
  • [CI] Enable core dumps on Linux and MacOS.
  • [CI] Collect Windows core dump files.
  • [CI] Trigger slow build on PR.
  • [C] compare publication stream id with link stream id when checking for matching spy subscriptions (#1722)
  • [CI] Add ubuntu-24.04-arm to the build matrix for Java.
  • [CI] Use env to store base Java version.
  • [Java] Handle multiple PendingServiceMessageTrackers while producing consensus module patch.
  • [CI] Simplify log upload.
  • [CI] Fix crash log upload on Windows.
  • Bug/fix error with tagged channels reresolution (#1720)
  • [C] add a call to init the new fields in the logbuffer metadata (#1717)
  • [Java] Add the few missing fields for logbuffer descriptor (#1721)
  • [Java] Close temporary MarkFile when migrating from old version.
  • [Java] Write message header before mark file header in the cluster-mark.dat file to be able to use SBE features based on the actingBlockLength and actingVersion.
  • tidy up the namespace for exception_handler_t (#1715)
  • [C] Handle connecting to Archive without credentials. (#1716)
  • [Java] Write message header before mark file header in the archive-mark.dat file to be able to use SBE features based on the actingBlockLength and actingVersion.
  • [Java] Fix config not found issue.
  • [Java] Extract capturing lambda allocation to outside loop and yield when not making progress.
  • Replacement of ThreadHints.onSpinWait by Thread. (#1713)
  • [Java] Add archiveId to the ArchiveMarkFile.
  • [Java] Fix an off-by-one error while searching for counters.
  • [Java] Tidy up after #1711.
  • [Java] Add a test for address re-resolution back to the initial IP address.
  • fix resolution bug, when the new ip is back to udpChannel.remoteData, this can not be triggered resolution changes (#1711)
  • [Java] Use different URI for early access JDK build.
  • [Java] Fix Javadoc URI.
  • [Java] Run Mockito as Java agent for JDK 23+ compatibility.
  • [CI] Add JDK 23 to the build matrix.
  • [Java] Change comment prevent JDK23 javadoc warning, FIX #1710.
  • [C] Prevent double free of the aeron_exclusive_publication_t which is closed by the proxy.
  • [Java] Poll for remote Archive errors while awaiting log recording session to be created.
  • [Java] Add OS max/default values for SO_SNDBUF and SO_RCVBUF parameters to the log buffer metadata section.
  • [C] Add OS default/max fields for the OS_SNDBUF/OS_RCVBUF to the log buffer metadata section.
  • Fixes problem with socket snd/rcv buffer in logbuffer metadata. (#1707)
  • [Java] Add method to convert error code to String.
  • [Java] Remove remaining dynamic join APIs.
  • [Java] Move config printing option to the CommonContext.
  • [Java] Cleanup after #1705.
  • rename the null value to compatible with C++ (#1705)
  • [Java] Touch ups.
  • Logbuffer metadata extra fields (#1700)
  • [C] Rename SEND_NAK_MESSAGE to NAK_SENT so that it is symmetric with NAK_SENT
  • [C] Add AERON_DRIVER_EVENT_NAK_RECEIVED event logging.
  • [Java] Rename SEND_NAK_MESSAGE to NAK_SENT so that it is symmetric with NAK_SENT.
  • [Java] Add log event for when a NAK message is received.
  • Fix duplicate service messages during failover/restart when using multiple services (#1703)
  • [Java] Change Tests.sleep so that it uses LockSupport.parkNanos to prevent catching of InterruptedException and clearing the interrupt flag.
  • [C] Remove duplicate definition of aeron_semantic_version_compose. (#1701)
  • [Java] Close AeronArchive client if control response Subscription is disconnected.
  • [Build] correct release gradle cache path
  • [Java] Rename IngressAdapter onFragment to onMessage and remove interface to provide more appropriate naming.
  • [Build] Remove OSS c/c++ binary step in release workflow
  • [Java] Simplify synchronous connect.
  • [Java] Use Agrona Checksum classes.
  • [Java] Emit WARN event when ControlSession is closed abruptly + add reason to the ControlSession state transition log + increase default stale session check interval to 1s.
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13 Jan 15:12
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[Java] Re-resolve endpoint address when address changes back to the original one. (#1711)
[Java] Update RecoverPlan after standby snapshot replication completes with the replicated snapshot entries.


11 Nov 10:49
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  • [Java] Update RecoverPlan after standby snapshot replication completes with the replicated snapshot entries.


25 Oct 14:11
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  • [Java] Prevent an untethered subscription re-joining the stream at an old position.


25 Oct 13:44
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  • [Java] Prevent an untethered subscription re-joining the stream at an old position.


24 Oct 13:10
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  • [Java] Prevent an untethered subscription re-joining the stream at an old position.