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Merge pull request #3507 from ag-grid/AG-13916/annotations-docs #14872

Merge pull request #3507 from ag-grid/AG-13916/annotations-docs

Merge pull request #3507 from ag-grid/AG-13916/annotations-docs #14872

GitHub Actions / Tests Results succeeded Feb 7, 2025 in 0s

7658 passed, 0 failed and 9468 skipped

Tests passed successfully

Report Passed Failed Skipped Time
reports/ag-charts-community.xml 1733✅ 26⚪ 70s
reports/ag-charts-core.xml 105✅ 2s
reports/ag-charts-enterprise.xml 730✅ 40s
reports/ag-charts-locale.xml 9442⚪ 2s
reports/ag-charts-website-e2e.xml 2150✅ 718s
reports/ag-charts-website.xml 2720✅ 124ms
reports/ag-website-shared.xml 220✅ 12ms

✅ reports/ag-charts-community.xml

1759 tests were completed in 70s with 1733 passed, 0 failed and 26 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
@default 3✅ 394ms
AgChart 5✅ 21s
AgChartV2 5✅ 4s
AreaSeries 102✅ 16⚪ 53s
Axis Examples 121✅ 70s
AxisGridLine 2✅ 1s
BarSeries 131✅ 55s
BaseProperties 10✅ 17s
BBox 9✅ 369ms
BubbleSeries 7✅ 3s
calculatePlacement function 6✅ 367ms
Caption 5✅ 2s
CartesianChart 40✅ 20s
CategoryScale 12✅ 301ms
Chart 51✅ 33s
Chart Heap Memory 1✅ 1⚪ 10s
ChartOptions 90✅ 20s
ChartTheme 11✅ 23s
Color 8✅ 18s
ColorScale 11✅ 411ms
CrossLine 69✅ 32s
DataController 15✅ 19s
DataModel 64✅ 18s
Date/Time Formatting 32✅ 408ms
Default Date/Time Formatting 16✅ 437ms
deprecation module 10✅ 432ms
DonutSeries 7✅ 19s
easing 1✅ 420ms
extent module 8✅ 286ms
Format utils 3✅ 378ms
Gallery Examples 97✅ 23s
Gallery Examples (US TZ) 1✅ 4⚪ 330ms
GridLayout 10✅ 426ms
Grouped Category Axis Examples 35✅ 10s
HierarchySeries 3✅ 18s
HistogramSeries 40✅ 29s
Integrated Charts Examples 25✅ 9s
interpolate module 5✅ 11s
json module 53✅ 17s
Legend 24✅ 28s
LegendEvent 7✅ 2s
LinearScale 20✅ 17s
lineInterpolation 5✅ 359ms
LineSeries 114✅ 21s
LineUtil 1✅ 2s
Log Axis Examples 32✅ 24s
LogScale 21✅ 382ms
Matrix 5✅ 284ms
Memento Caretaker 8✅ 17s
Module 5✅ 452ms
Node 7✅ 419ms
number format 21✅ 18s
number module 1✅ 323ms
object module 1✅ 324ms
OrdinalTimeScale 20✅ 17s
Overlay 3✅ 5⚪ 1s
Padding 1✅ 312ms
PieSeries 7✅ 20s
PolarSeries 59✅ 33s
Pool 7✅ 2s
proxy module 5✅ 771ms
Range 1✅ 12s
Rect 1✅ 19s
ScatterSeries 7✅ 5s
Scene 2✅ 2s
secondaryAxisTicks 1✅ 392ms
Sector 2✅ 19s
Selection 13✅ 19s
series labels 38✅ 9s
simple-chart benchmark 3✅ 5s
State Machine 9✅ 365ms
Text 6✅ 17s
themes module 5✅ 15s
ticks 2✅ 387ms
TimeScale 33✅ 17s
Tooltip 7✅ 21s
undefined 74✅ 7s
validation module 27✅ 471ms
value module 2✅ 410ms
zIndex 2✅ 355ms

✅ reports/ag-charts-core.xml

105 tests were completed in 2s with 105 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Arrays Utilities 16✅ 1s
Binary Search Utilities 8✅ 108ms
Diff Utilities 8✅ 121ms
EventEmitter 8✅ 196ms
Functions Utilities 8✅ 1s
Iterators Utilities 9✅ 104ms
Strings Utilities 15✅ 244ms
Validation utils 33✅ 2s

✅ reports/ag-charts-enterprise.xml

730 tests were completed in 40s with 730 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Annotations 28✅ 31s
BackgroundImage 2✅ 2s
BoxPlotSeries 13✅ 16s
CandlestickSeries 4✅ 3s
ChordSeries 11✅ 26s
ConeFunnelSeries 8✅ 25s
Context Menu 2✅ 16s
Crosshair 36✅ 13s
DataSource 5✅ 23s
ErrorBars 39✅ 35s
Feature Combinations 5✅ 5s
ForegroundImage 2✅ 12s
FunnelSeries 11✅ 26s
Gallery Examples 37✅ 11s
GradientLegend 1✅ 23s
Grouped Category Axis Examples 8✅ 24s
HeatmapSeries 1✅ 2s
Image 18✅ 6s
label formatter 9✅ 10s
LinearGaugeSeries 46✅ 14s
linkedList 1✅ 5s
MapLineBackgroundSeries 1✅ 2s
MapLineSeries 14✅ 35s
MapMarkerSeries 13✅ 27s
MapShapeBackgroundSeries 1✅ 2s
MapShapeSeries 19✅ 40s
maxWidthOfRectConstrainedByCenterAndAspectRatioToLineSegment 10✅ 11s
MD5 1✅ 5s
Navigator 30✅ 10s
NightingaleSeries 27✅ 11s
OhlcSeries 4✅ 22s
Ordinal Time Axis Examples 56✅ 32s
PieSeries 1✅ 24s
Polar Axes 12✅ 28s
PolarCrossLine 4✅ 4s
priceVolumePreset 3✅ 4s
PyramidSeries 10✅ 25s
RadarAreaSeries 13✅ 25s
RadarLineSeries 13✅ 26s
RadialBarSeries 28✅ 32s
RadialColumnSeries 27✅ 33s
RadialGaugeSeries 12✅ 30s
RangeAreaSeries 16✅ 27s
RangeBarSeries 29✅ 32s
SankeySeries 10✅ 26s
SunburstSeries 14✅ 26s
Time Axis Examples 7✅ 4s
TreemapSeries 14✅ 26s
undefined 1✅ 7s
WaterfallSeries 22✅ 30s
Zoom 29✅ 40s
zoom-large-dataset benchmark 2✅ 39s

✅ reports/ag-charts-locale.xml

9442 tests were completed in 2s with 0 passed, 0 failed and 9442 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
translations 9442⚪ 2s

✅ reports/ag-charts-website-e2e.xml

2150 tests were completed in 718s with 2150 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
axis-button.spec.ts 3✅ 14s
basic-chart.spec.ts 18✅ 19s
context-menu.spec.ts 13✅ 71s
crosshair.spec.ts 13✅ 55s
examples.spec.ts 1915✅ 718s
financial-charts-showcase.spec.ts 6✅ 22s
gallery-examples.spec.ts 125✅ 246s
icons.spec.ts 1✅ 884ms
interactive-tooltip.spec.ts 2✅ 5s
keyboard-nav.spec.ts 31✅ 82s
legend.spec.ts 12✅ 86s
state.spec.ts 1✅ 1s
text-navigation.spec.ts 2✅ 4s
toolbar.spec.ts 5✅ 10s
zoom.spec.ts 3✅ 7s

✅ reports/ag-charts-website.xml

2720 tests were completed in 124ms with 2720 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
src/components/license-setup/utils/getDependencies.test.ts 250✅ 13ms
src/components/snippet/snippetTransformer.test.ts 1280✅ 124ms
src/utils/addNonBreakingSpaceBetweenLastWords.test.ts 30✅ 8ms
src/utils/framework.test.ts 170✅ 11ms
src/utils/isPathMatch.test.ts 130✅ 8ms
src/utils/mimeType.test.ts 240✅ 15ms
src/utils/pathJoin.test.ts 120✅ 8ms
src/utils/toTitle.test.ts 60✅ 5ms
src/utils/urlWithBaseUrl.test.ts 240✅ 16ms
src/utils/urlWithPrefix.test.ts 200✅ 11ms

✅ reports/ag-website-shared.xml

220 tests were completed in 12ms with 220 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
src/components/license-pricing/comparison-table/utils/createRowDataFilter.test.ts 80✅ 10ms
src/utils/addTrailingSlash.test.ts 80✅ 6ms
src/utils/parseVersion.test.ts 60✅ 12ms