This project is a scalable backend implementation of core Twitter functionalities, built using modern web technologies. It provides RESTful APIs for user authentication, tweet creation and retrieval, following/unfollowing users, and timeline generation. Tech Stack:
- Node.js with Express.js for server-side logic and API routing
- MongoDB for flexible and scalable data storage
- Passport.js for robust user authentication
- AWS S3 for efficient media storage (images, videos)
User should be able to create a post
- [The post/Tweet cannot be more than 250 chars]
- [Every post/tweet will be having support for image upload]
Any post should be visible to all those users who follow the author
Anyone who follow you can comment on post/Tweet
We can comment on a comment
We can like any comment also
Search for User Profile
User profiles
- Name
- Follower count
- Bio
- Last 10 tweets from the user
Pagination on tweets
User auth
Version 2.O
- Tweet Impression
- Public and Private
- Verified Badge
- Every Tweet can have Hashtag (Regular expression)
- User can Chat (Socket Connection)