IoT is the key technology used in Industry 4.0. One of the areas that has benefitted the most with the development of IoT is Supply Chain Management (SCM) through new technologies such as sensors, data storage, decision making tools etc. In this paper we successfully implemented a small supply chain scenario where we built a transparent and efficient network of various participants in supply chain and automated flow for a predefined supply chain scenario. On the conceptual understandings of MQTT, IoT and Cloud we created algorithms and helper functions for our project using various APIs which included location publish and subscribe to and from cloud, location tracking, converting geocoordinates to street addresses and many more, also built a custom simulator to generate location data, have a better control over our data generated, and visualize data in location in best possible manner. Lack of sharing of any information at every level in supply chain can hinder the growth of supply chain as so this paper demonstrates that how IOT can enhance Supply Chain Management with a use case built with utilizing various APIs, tools and services.
export const region = "YOUR AWS REGION";
export const endpoint = "IOT ENDPOINT";
export const aws_key = "AWS ACCESS KEY";
export const aws_secret = "AWS SECRET KEY";
export const here_api = "HERE API KEY";