This program connects to an remote Asterisk server by TCP port 5038, then it asks Asterisk to receive the Asterisk generated event. Then for each event, it publish it to the given AMQP broker.
Usage of /amievents2amqp:
-amiURI string
AMI connection URI (use AMI_URI env var as default)
-amqpURI string
AMQP connection URI (use BROKER_URI env var as default)
-exchange string
AMQP exchange name (default "events")
-topic string
topic (default "astevents")
This component is deployed within the issues component. You need to build and release a new image:
$ ssh -t asur@mamut -r amievents2amqp -g `git rev-parse --short=7 HEAD`
Then go to the issues repository, update the amievents2amqp image tag to the last commit in docker-compose, and deploy issues.
To connect to the asterisk manager you need to grant access from your ip.
First connect to the asterisk machine via ssh:
$ ssh asur@lab-niv1
Edit the manager configuration:
$ sudo vim /opt/bos/asterisk/etc/manager_custom.conf
It looks similar to:
secret = <the-password>
deny =
permit =,
read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user
write = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user
Just add a new item to the permit
line and restart asterisk:
$ sudo asterisk -r
asterisk> core restart when convenient
WARNING: Do not forget to remove your ip after development! Keep in mind lab-niv1 is asterisk11 version and this aplication is based in asterisk13. It is possible some events are not well processed. The only server with right asterisk version is a production one (ale-extension1)