I'm a 28 year old web designer and web developer, graphic designer, portrait artist, illustrator, electronics programmer, 3d designer and AR developer. I worked freelance for 5 years, focusing more on electronics and automation projects including microcontrollers, IOT, robotics, control systems, and instrumentation using C/C++, Java, MATLAB, and PLC. I mainly built different kinds of robots and embedded systems from scratch: designing chassis, mechanisms, electronic circuits, 3D modelling and printing, etc.
In 2023, I decided to switch career and focus more on graphic design, UI/UX design and web development. My front end tech stack involves ReactJS, NextJS, Three.js, GSAP, React-Redux, Tailwind CSS, and Sanity.io CMS.
- 🔭 I’m currently working with CommunityJuice in providing multi-platform React-based games and apps (Telegram mini apps and Discord activites)
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on web dev projects, particularly WebGL projects
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with GLSL programming.
- 💬 Ask me about microcontrollers, robotics, automation and control systems.
- 📫 Reach me at [email protected] or visit my website https://aljalcantara.com