Releases: alkem-io/server
Releases · alkem-io/server
Fix KnowledgeBase Tagset and CalloutsSet TagsetTemplate
What's Changed
- Fix KB tagset + calloutsSet tagsetTemplate by @techsmyth in #4984
Full Changelog: v0.101.2...v0.101.3
Fixed Typo
What's Changed
- fixed resolution of single whiteboards by @valentinyanakiev in #4978
- fix typo by @valentinyanakiev in #4982
Full Changelog: v0.101.1...v0.101.2
What's Changed
- added back in rule for accepting transfer of account resources; by @techsmyth in #4924
- Profile on knowledge base visible on private by @techsmyth in #4913
- Fix guidelines on creation getting subspace profile data by @bobbykolev in #4925
- Conversion of VC type; transfer of callout to another calloutsSet by @techsmyth in #4914
- Unauthenticated users to see the content of a whiteboard in a public space by @hero101 in #4926
- fix profile type whiteboard-rt by @valentinyanakiev in #4929
- Do not fail whiteboard save on a failed file re-upload by @hero101 in #4931
- Wingback customer data filled in correctly by @hero101 in #4933
- migration job name changed by @hero101 in #4935
- NameID usage by @techsmyth in #4883
- RolesCache by @valentinyanakiev in #4938
- Base routes + space deletion by @techsmyth in #4948
- Fix url resolver issue by @ccanos in #4952
- fixed updating of template + return of nameID field by @techsmyth in #4954
- Remove search v1 by @valentinyanakiev in #4946
- Reduce the permissions required to resolve a spaceNameId to a spaceId by @ccanos in #4956
- Added mapping to two new wingback features by @hero101 in #4937
- Url resolver results by @techsmyth in #4958
- Added roleSetCacheModule and added cache invalidation on invitation / application removal by @valentinyanakiev in #4955
- Throw graphql exception on urlResolver error by @ccanos in #4967
- fixed invitation cache invalidation by @valentinyanakiev in #4966
- elastic-apm-node by @hero101 in #4947
Full Changelog: v0.99.2...v0.101.0
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v0.100.0...v0.100.1
Wingback Customer Creation, Search, Fixes
What's Changed
- Fix: Search not ingesting callouts and contribution by @hero101 in #4896
- Removed unused packages (ESM related) by @hero101 in #4845
- added check to block inviting of VCs if the entitlement for VCs is not enabled by @techsmyth in #4866
- fixed creation of url for whiteboard template by @techsmyth in #4901
- properly retrieve license with entitlements for checking on invitation by @techsmyth in #4902
- add limit on returning number of spaces on dashboard; retrieve invitations as count by @techsmyth in #4907
- space invitees to always be able to view about space; fix removal of credentials on org deletion by @techsmyth in #4904
- updated search logic to only work with callouts on sets of type collaboration by @techsmyth in #4898
- Async engines proper cleanup by @valeksiev in #4811
- API & backend to create customer in wingback by @hero101 in #4868
- Align wingback privilege by @valentinyanakiev in #4917
Full Changelog: v0.99.4...v0.100.0
Platform and VC Settings, Account Admin Credential, Account Resource Transfer, Search Ingest
What's Changed
- Release v0.99 patch1 by @valentinyanakiev in #4894
- renamed space level enum entries by @techsmyth in #4875
- Made transfer of resource offer + accept by @techsmyth in #4863
- Platform, VC settings by @techsmyth in #4884
- manifest updated with missing variable by @hero101 in #4854
- Account admin credential to simplify authorization policies + logic by @techsmyth in #4874
Full Changelog: v0.99.3...v0.99.4
Fixed Generation of Default Avatars
Authorization and Usability Fixes
What's Changed
- fix default avatar generation by @valentinyanakiev in #4889
- Fix
subscription filter by @valeksiev in #4890 - Release: Fixes by @valentinyanakiev in #4891
Full Changelog: v0.99.1...v0.99.2
What's Changed
- Fix client/7535 - Handle when agentInfo.userId is null by @ccanos in #4886
- improve callout creation subscription performance by @valentinyanakiev in #4885
Full Changelog: v0.99.0...v0.99.1