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Working on equation matching
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jakep-allenai committed Mar 7, 2025
1 parent 7003e9c commit d006e8f
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180 changes: 145 additions & 35 deletions olmocr/bench/katex/
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Expand Up @@ -9,9 +9,12 @@ def find_image_match(large_pil, small_pil, device=None) -> tuple[float, int, int
Finds the best matching location of a small image inside a large image using 2D convolution.
Returns a matching score and the coordinates of the best match.
The matching score is computed by comparing the pixel values in the extracted patch from the large image
with the small image. For each pixel, if both values are equal (or both zero) the match is perfect (1.0),
otherwise the match is the ratio: min(a, b)/max(a, b). The final score is the average over all pixels.
The matching score is computed using Intersection over Union (IoU) of binary images.
Each image is converted to a binary mask where pixels > 0.5 are True, otherwise False.
The IoU is calculated as: (intersection) / (union) of the two binary masks.
If the extracted patch and the template differ in shape (which can happen when the patch goes out of bounds),
the smaller array is padded with False values so that they can be compared elementwise.
large_pil (PIL.Image): The large image.
Expand All @@ -20,19 +23,19 @@ def find_image_match(large_pil, small_pil, device=None) -> tuple[float, int, int
(score, x, y):
- score: Average matching score (0.0 to 1.0)
- score: IoU matching score (0.0 to 1.0)
- x, y: Coordinates (top-left corner) of the best match in the large image.
# Auto-select device
# Auto-select device.
if device is None:
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"

# Convert images to grayscale and normalize to [0, 1]
large_img = np.array(large_pil.convert("L"), dtype=np.float32) / 255.0
small_img = np.array(small_pil.convert("L"), dtype=np.float32) / 255.0

# If the "small" image is actually larger than the "large" image, swap them.
if small_img.shape[0] > large_img.shape[0] and small_img.shape[1] > large_img.shape[1]:
# If the "small" image is larger than the "large" image in any dimension, swap them.
if small_img.shape[0] > large_img.shape[0] or small_img.shape[1] > large_img.shape[1]:
small_img, large_img = large_img, small_img

# Convert images to torch tensors with shape (1, 1, H, W)
Expand All @@ -51,7 +54,6 @@ def find_image_match(large_pil, small_pil, device=None) -> tuple[float, int, int
max_val, max_loc = torch.max(result.view(-1), 0)

# Extract the coordinates from the convolution result.
# Handle the scalar case (e.g. for 1x1 images).
if result.squeeze().dim() == 0:
conv_y, conv_x = 0, 0
Expand All @@ -75,20 +77,50 @@ def find_image_match(large_pil, small_pil, device=None) -> tuple[float, int, int
# Extract the corresponding patch from the large image.
large_patch = large_img[match_y:match_y+patch_h, match_x:match_x+patch_w]

# Compute per-pixel matching score:
# If both pixels are zero, the match is perfect (1.0). Otherwise, score = min(a,b) / max(a,b)
with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
ratio = np.where((large_patch == 0) & (small_img == 0), 1.0,
np.where((large_patch == 0) | (small_img == 0), 0.0,
np.minimum(large_patch, small_img) / np.maximum(large_patch, small_img)))
score = float(np.mean(ratio))
# If there is a shape mismatch (e.g. when near image boundaries), pad the smaller array with False (0.0)
if large_patch.shape != small_img.shape:
target_shape = (max(large_patch.shape[0], small_img.shape[0]),
max(large_patch.shape[1], small_img.shape[1]))
def pad_to_shape(arr, target_shape, pad_value=0.0):
pad_h = target_shape[0] - arr.shape[0]
pad_w = target_shape[1] - arr.shape[1]
return np.pad(arr, ((0, pad_h), (0, pad_w)), mode='constant', constant_values=pad_value)
if large_patch.shape != target_shape:
large_patch = pad_to_shape(large_patch, target_shape, pad_value=0.0)
if small_img.shape != target_shape:
small_img = pad_to_shape(small_img, target_shape, pad_value=0.0)

# Create binary masks (True if > 0.5, else False)
large_binary = large_patch > 0.5
small_binary = small_img > 0.5

# Create masks for very bright pixels (> 0.99)
large_white = large_patch > 0.99
small_white = small_img > 0.99

# Create a mask for pixels to exclude (where both images are very bright)
exclude_mask = np.logical_and(large_white, small_white)

# Apply the exclusion mask to the binary masks
large_binary_filtered = np.logical_and(large_binary, ~exclude_mask)
small_binary_filtered = np.logical_and(small_binary, ~exclude_mask)

# Calculate intersection and union on the filtered binary masks
intersection = np.logical_and(large_binary_filtered, small_binary_filtered).sum()
union = np.logical_or(large_binary_filtered, small_binary_filtered).sum()

# Calculate IoU score
# Handle the case where union is zero (both images empty)
if union == 0:
score = 1.0 if intersection == 0 else 0.0
score = float(intersection / union)

return score, match_x, match_y

class TestFindImageMatch(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
# Fix random seeds for reproducibility.

Expand All @@ -102,68 +134,54 @@ def create_random_image(self, shape):

def test_exact_match(self):
"""Test that a patch cropped from a larger image is found at the correct location."""
# Create a synthetic large image with reproducible random data.
large_array = np.random.randint(0, 256, (100, 100), dtype=np.uint8)
large_pil = Image.fromarray(large_array, mode='L')

# Crop a patch from a known location.
top, left = 30, 40 # (row, column) -> expected best_y, best_x
top, left = 30, 40 # expected best_y, best_x
patch_height, patch_width = 20, 20
patch_array = large_array[top:top+patch_height, left:left+patch_width]
small_pil = Image.fromarray(patch_array, mode='L')

score, best_x, best_y = find_image_match(large_pil, small_pil)

self.assertEqual(best_x, left, f"Expected best_x to be {left} but got {best_x}")
self.assertEqual(best_y, top, f"Expected best_y to be {top} but got {best_y}")
# For an exact match we expect a relatively high score.
self.assertGreater(score, 0.9, f"Expected high score for an exact match, got {score}")
self.assertGreater(score, 0.99, f"Expected high score for an exact match, got {score}")

def test_full_image_match(self):
"""Test when the small image is identical to the large image."""
large_pil = self.create_random_image((50, 50))
# Use a copy so that both images are the same.
small_pil = large_pil.copy()
score, best_x, best_y = find_image_match(large_pil, small_pil)

self.assertEqual(best_x, 0, f"Expected best_x to be 0, got {best_x}")
self.assertEqual(best_y, 0, f"Expected best_y to be 0, got {best_y}")
self.assertIsInstance(score, float)
self.assertGreater(score, 0.99, f"Expected high score for an exact match, got {score}")

def test_swap_images(self):
Test the swapping logic by passing in images in reversed order.
When the "small" image is actually larger than the "large" image,
the function should swap them internally.
# Create a larger image.
large_img = self.create_random_image((100, 100))
large_array = np.array(large_img)
# Crop a patch from the larger image.
top, left = 20, 20
patch_height, patch_width = 40, 40
patch_array = large_array[top:top+patch_height, left:left+patch_width]
small_img = Image.fromarray(patch_array, mode='L')

# Pass in swapped: the larger image as the patch and vice versa.
score, best_x, best_y = find_image_match(small_img, large_img)

# After swapping, we expect the match to be found at (left, top)
self.assertEqual(best_x, left, f"Expected best_x to be {left} after swap, got {best_x}")
self.assertEqual(best_y, top, f"Expected best_y to be {top} after swap, got {best_y}")

def test_single_pixel_match(self):
"""Test the function with 1x1 images."""
# Create a 1x1 image with a mid-gray value.
arr = np.array([[128]], dtype=np.uint8)
pil_img = Image.fromarray(arr, mode='L')
score, best_x, best_y = find_image_match(pil_img, pil_img)

# For a 1x1 image, the best match is at (0,0).
self.assertEqual(best_x, 0)
self.assertEqual(best_y, 0)
self.assertIsInstance(score, float)
self.assertGreater(score, 0.99, f"Expected high score for an exact match, got {score}")

def test_out_of_bounds_coordinates(self):
Expand All @@ -177,10 +195,102 @@ def test_out_of_bounds_coordinates(self):
patch_array = large_array[top:top+patch_height, left:left+patch_width]
small_pil = Image.fromarray(patch_array, mode='L')
score, best_x, best_y = find_image_match(large_pil, small_pil)

width, height = large_pil.size
self.assertTrue(0 <= best_x < width, f"best_x {best_x} is out of bounds for width {width}")
self.assertTrue(0 <= best_y < height, f"best_y {best_y} is out of bounds for height {height}")

def test_padding_mismatch(self):
Test a case where the computed patch from the large image is smaller than the
template due to clamping at the boundary. In such cases, the smaller array should be
padded with white pixels (1.0) so that both arrays have the same shape.
Here, we force a mismatch by providing images whose sizes (after potential swap) cause
the extracted patch to be truncated.
# Create a "large" image that is too small in height compared to the template.
# For example, after swap, effective large image will be (50, 150) and template is (100, 100)
large_pil = self.create_random_image((50, 150))
small_pil = self.create_random_image((100, 100))
# Calling with these images: since small_pil is larger in height than large_pil,
# a swap will occur. After swap:
# effective large image: (100, 100)
# effective small image: (50, 150)
# Then patch size is taken from effective small image: (50, 150)
# However, the effective large image is (100, 100), so when extracting a patch of size (50,150)
# from a (100, 100) image (clamped to width 100), the patch will be (50, 100).
# Our padding logic should pad the extracted patch from width 100 to 150.
score, best_x, best_y = find_image_match(large_pil, small_pil)
# After padding, the per-pixel score should be computed without error.
self.assertIsInstance(score, float)
self.assertGreaterEqual(score, 0.0)
self.assertLessEqual(score, 1.0)

class TestRenderMathMatches(unittest.TestCase):
# def testBasicMatch1(self):
# from .render import render_equation

# ref_image = render_equation("\int_{a}^{b} f(x) \, dx = F(b) - F(a)")
# hyp_image = render_equation("\int_a^b f(x) \, dx = F(b) - F(a)")

# score, best_x, best_y = find_image_match(ref_image, hyp_image)
# self.assertGreater(score, 0.99)

# def testBasicMatch2(self):
# from .render import render_equation

# ref_image = render_equation("s(t) = t^2 + 8t - 1")
# hyp_image = render_equation("s(t) = t^2 + 8t + 1")

# score, best_x, best_y = find_image_match(ref_image, hyp_image)
# print("Should be high diff")
# print(score, best_x, best_y)
# self.assertLess(score, 0.95)

# def testBasicMatch3(self):
# from .render import render_equation

# ref_image = render_equation("s(t) = t^2 + 8t - 1")

# new_image =, (ref_image.width + 20, ref_image.height), (255, 255, 255))

# # Paste the original image onto the new image, offset by the padding amount
# new_image.paste(ref_image, (20, 0))

# score, best_x, best_y = find_image_match(ref_image, new_image)
# print("Should be exactly the same, shfited over")
# print(score, best_x, best_y)
# self.assertGreater(score, 0.99)
# self.assertEqual(best_x, 20)
# self.assertEqual(best_y, 0)

# def testBasicMatch4(self):
# from .render import render_equation

# ref_image = render_equation("s(t) = t^2 + 8t - 1")
# hyp_image = render_equation("e^{i\pi} + 1 = 0")

# score, best_x, best_y = find_image_match(ref_image, hyp_image)
# print("Should be way off")
# print(score, best_x, best_y)
# self.assertLess(score, 0.5)

def testMultiline(self):
from .render import render_equation

ref_image = render_equation("\\nabla \\cdot \\mathbf{E} = \\frac{\\rho}{\\varepsilon_0}")
hyp_image = render_equation("""\\begin{align*}\\nabla \\cdot \\mathbf{E} = \\frac{\\rho}{\\varepsilon_0}\\end{align*}""")"ref1.png")"hyp1.png")

score, best_x, best_y = find_image_match(ref_image, hyp_image)
print("Should be way in there")
print(score, best_x, best_y)
self.assertGreater(score, 0.95)

if __name__ == "__main__":
12 changes: 11 additions & 1 deletion olmocr/bench/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -470,6 +470,9 @@ def run(self, content: str) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
return True, ""

# If not, then let's render the math equation itself and now compare to each hypothesis
best_match_score = 0.0
best_match_render = None

for hypothesis in equations:
hypothesis_render = render_equation(hypothesis)

Expand All @@ -479,10 +482,17 @@ def run(self, content: str) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
# Now, let's see what the matchup is between the two images
match_score, x, y = find_image_match(hypothesis_render, self.reference_render)

if match_score > best_match_score:
best_match_score = match_score
best_match_render = hypothesis_render

if match_score >= self.threshold:
return True, ""

return False, f"No match found for {self.math} anywhere in content"
#"maths/{}_ref.png", format="PNG")
#"maths/{}_hyp.png", format="PNG")

return False, f"No match found for {self.math} anywhere in content, best match threshold was {best_match_score:.3f}"

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