For FastAPI user, we already have pydantic, openapi support and openapi-ts, pydantic-resolve is the last puzzle for a better development pattern.
This repo shows how to define and compose schemas together with pydantic-resolve, and also sync schemas and methods to frontend with openapi-ts.
- sample 1: show blogs
- sample 2: show blogs with comments
- sample 2: show author info of comments
class MyBlogSite(BaseModel):
name: str
# blogs: list[Blog] = [] # this will not include comments and comment_count
blogs: list[MyBlog] = []
async def resolve_blogs(self):
return await get_blogs()
comment_count: int = 0
def post_comment_count(self):
return sum([b.comment_count for b in self.blogs])
class MyBlog(Blog):
# comments: list[Comment] = [] # this will not include user field
comments: list[MyComment] = []
def resolve_comments(self, loader=LoaderDepend(blog_to_comments_loader)):
return loader.load(
comment_count: int = 0
def post_comment_count(self):
return len(self.comments)
class MyComment(Comment):
user: Optional[User] = None
def resolve_user(self, loader=LoaderDepend(user_loader)):
return loader.load(self.user_id)
We only need to make sure the return value from resolve_blogs
or resolve_comments
can be converted to BASE schemas (Blog, Comment)
then we can replace blogs: list[Blog] = []
to blogs: list[MyBlog] = []
to extend more fields.
prefer python >= 3.10
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirement.pip
fastapi dev
@app.get("/my-site/{name}", response_model=MyBlogSite, tags=["main"])
async def read_my_site(name: str):
site = MyBlogSite(name=name)
return await Resolver().resolve(site)
visit http://localhost:8000/docs#/main/read_my_site
ensure server is running, and then generate the client from localhost:8000/openapi.json
cd fe
npm install
npm run openapi-ts
npx ts-node main.ts
mport { MainService } from './src/client'
type MySite = Awaited<ReturnType<typeof MainService.readMySite>>
type Param = Parameters<typeof MainService.readMySite>[0]
(async () => {
const name: Param['name'] = 'tangkikodo'
const data: MySite = await MainService.readMySite({ name: name })
console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, 2))
inspect the log output