A collection of various TeX snippets (mostly LaTeX so far), proofs of concept, tutorials, and so on and so forth.
- A3Pages: Inserting landscape A3 pages in documents which are otherwise portrait A4.
- beamer:
- intro: introductory presentation to LaTeX
- specifics: presentation on some specific examples one is likely to encounter while writing reports during one's academic career.
- booklet: (ab)using LaTeX to make booklets and signatures for books.
- bytefield: an example for a customized usage of the bytefield package.
- cli-args: Passing command-line arguments to LaTeX. Very experimental.
- example-documents:
- simple-document: A very simple LaTeX document.
- Links to various LaTeX documents I've created over the ages.
- floats: Floats in LaTeX. Here be dragons.
- fonts: Fonts in LaTeX.
- guides: Some screenshot-laden guides for installing MacTeX, TeX Live and
MikTeX, respectively. Target audience: newcomers. Linux and BSD users are
presumed to be using their respective system package managers.
- mactex: MacTeX installation and administration guide
- miktex: MikTeX installation guide
- texlive: TeX Live installation and administration guide for Windows.
- include-images: Some information about including image files in your LaTeX document.
- include-pdfs: Same, but for PDF documents.
- listings: Various means of integrating and formatting code and verbatim text in a LaTeX document.
- minipages: A descent into the abyss which is the dark sorcery of minipages.
- pgfplots: How to import and plot tabular data from external files.
- tables: Lapo Mori has written a pretty decent and reasonably compact introduction to the topic of tables, particularly which packages are available and suitable for different use cases. It is a few years old, but still gives a good introduction to the topic in my humble opinion.
- tikz:
- faded-hexagons: some messing around with TikZ
- block-diagrams: block diagrams with TikZ
- spy: an example for using the spy functionality in TikZ
- full-page-picture: a way to get pictures to cover an entire page using TikZ
Unless otherwise noted, the contents of this repository are MIT-licensed. Content not created by me falls under the license of its respective creator.
- bibliography
- circuits
- plotting: matlab2tikz
- references, captions, labels
- iso-31
- hyperref
- colors
- the fontspec package
- anything else
- GUI tools for making graphics in TeX