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Tony Nguyen edited this page May 11, 2020 · 5 revisions

Mouse Object Class allows for mouse functionality, this is not a limited object which means you can have an infinite amount of this object per world. Represents the mouse of a player.


Index Type Description Edit Mode
Confined Boolean Determines whether or not the mouse will be stuck inside the window Read+Write
Visible Boolean Determines whether or not the cursor will be visible inside the window Read+Write
Hit Vector Shows the position of the mouse inside the window Read
Target Data Object References to an object that the mouse is pointed at. WIP Read


Move(x, y)

Parameter Type Optional Description
x Number No x position that the mouse should move to
y Number No y position that the mouse should move to

Moves the mouse position to any x and y position within the window
Returns: None


Moved(x, y, dx, dy)

Argument Type Description
x Number x position of the mouse
y Number y position of the mouse
dx Number Velocity of the x position of the mouse
dy Number Velocity of the y position of the mouse

Triggers when the mouse is being moved

Idle(x, y)

Argument Type Description
x Number x position of the mouse
y Number y position of the mouse

Triggers when the mouse is being idle

WheelMoved(x, y)

Argument Type Description
x Number Direction of the scroll wheel on the x-axis
y Number Direction of the scroll wheel on the y-axis

Triggers when the scroll wheel is being moved up, down, left, or right.

ButtonDown(x, y, button, presses)

Argument Type Description
x Number x position of the mouse
y Number y position of the mouse
button Number Corresponding mouse button number that was pressed
presses Number How many times the same button has been pressed consecutively

Triggers when a mouse button is being pressed

ButtonUp(x, y, button, presses)

Argument Type Description
x Number x position of the mouse
y Number y position of the mouse
button Number Corresponding mouse button number that was pressed
presses Number How many times the same button has been pressed consecutively

Triggers when a mouse button is being released

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