In the game, while managing each day throughout Ame's life, have you ever thought "Wow, I wish things could be more random?"
Well now you're in luck! Instead of the usual, this mod randomizes things such as text messages and tweets, so instead of Ame tweeting about going out after going out, she might tweet about gaming instead!
In addition, this mod is customizable, so rather then Ame sending a random tweet, you might want to randomize the music that plays in the game instead!
- You must have BepInEx pre-configured and enabled with the game to use this mod. You can read how to configure BepInEx with the game here.
- Steam Achievements for this game are disabled while the mod is installed.
- The randomizer doesn't affect the Login/Caution screen, nor does it affect the Data0 save.
You can choose what to randomize in the game by using the Settings executable that comes with the mod. Any option that is already enabled out of the box is labelled with (Default). Any options that are changed only take effect when the game loads. It will not take effect if the game is still running.
Randomizes stat changes from actions, some events, ignoring DM's and deleting stressful chat comments.
- Follower stat changes can range from -1000000 to 9999999 (dependent on how much followers you currently have)
- Stress stat changes can range from -30 to +30.
- Affection and Darkness stat changes can range from -20 to +20.
If enabled, has a chance for followers to decrease per skipped stream at night, depending on current stress and followers. The lower the stress and/or the higher the followers, the higher chance of followers decreasing.
Randomizes JINE messages sent from Ame, and obscures options and text messages sent by P-chan.
(Option results and custom messages are not affected.)
Randomizes search results from Vanity Search and /st/ text
Randomizes tweets sent by KAngel and Ame. KAngel tweet likes and retweets are also randomized.
Randomizes tweet replies sent to KAngel. Up to seven replies can show per tweet.
Randomize stream text for every stream. Only affects KAngel's dialogue and set chat comments.
Randomizes Diary/Logs from Ame... and probably some other important text. Text shown is based on "notepadTexts.json" (comes with the mod per release). You can edits the contents of this file in the settings executable.
Contents of notepadTexts.json may contain strong language. You can look at what notepadTexts contains in the base mod here.
Randomizes ending messages that appear in the ending dialog after getting some endings. Text shown is based on "endMsgsTexts.json" (comes with the mod per release). You can edits the contents of this file in the settings executable.
Contents of endMsgsTexts.json may contain strong language. You can look at what endMsgTexts contains in the base mod here.
Has a chance for a special border to appear at the start of each day. (This does not include the border that appears at Internet Runaway Angel.)
Has a chance for either the time (noon, dusk, night) borders to change to another time border, or not change at all. The border change is purely visual, the actual times of day are not randomized. (You can see what time of day you're on in the bottom right corner of the screen.)
Has a chance for a trippy visual effect to appear at the start of the day.
Randomizes music from the game.
Randomize sound effects from the game. (If you want to keep your sanity, do NOT turn this option on. Seriously, don't. I mean seriously... don't. If you still choose to turn this option on anyway, well, don't say I didn't warn you.)
Randomize days in the game. Only takes effect when going to the next day. (Might be unstable.)
Randomizes non-ending streams that play at night.
Includes the chance of playing an ending or horror stream if 'Randomize Streams' is on.
Randomize animations that play in the Webcam. (Does not randomize animations in streams that use the dark streaming UI, and excludes any animations that play in said streams.)
Includes the chance of playing either Ame or KAngel animations when playing through the Webcam if 'Randomize Animations' is on. If this option is off, the two types are played depending on the current event (Ame: off-stream, KAngel: on-stream).
Credits to zonni for their post on StackOverflow which helped a bit with modding this game.
Also huge thanks to Graphene_, the main moderator for Needy Streamer Overload on, for helping me with playtesting and some of the ending messages.
This mod uses the Newtonsoft.Json library for storing settings and text data. License can be found here
This mod also uses the Eto library for creating the executable. License can be found here
This repository and the mod itself is licensed with GPLv3.
This mod is fan-made and is not associated with xemono and WSS Playground. All properties belong to their respective owners.
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