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Simplify integrators module structure
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flferretti committed Feb 8, 2024
1 parent 9ba607b commit c3808bb
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Showing 2 changed files with 63 additions and 268 deletions.
312 changes: 60 additions & 252 deletions src/jaxsim/simulation/
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@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import enum
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Tuple, Union

import jax
Expand All @@ -22,43 +23,39 @@
[State, Time], Tuple[StateDerivative, Dict[str, Any]]

Carry = Tuple[State, Time]

class IntegratorType(enum.IntEnum):
RungeKutta4 =
EulerForward =
EulerSemiImplicit =
EulerSemiImplicitManifold =

# =======================
# Single-step integration
# =======================

def odeint_euler_one_step(
def single_step(
dx_dt: StateDerivativeCallable,
x0: State,
t0: Time,
tf: Time,
integrator_type: IntegratorType,
num_sub_steps: int = 1,
) -> Tuple[State, Dict[str, Any]]:
Forward Euler integrator.
dx_dt: Callable that computes the state derivative.
x0: Initial state.
t0: Initial time.
tf: Final time.
num_sub_steps: Number of sub-steps to break the integration into.
The final state and a dictionary including auxiliary data at t0.

# Compute the sub-step size.
# We break dt in configurable sub-steps.
dt = tf - t0
sub_step_dt = dt / num_sub_steps

# Initialize the carry
Carry = Tuple[State, Time]
carry_init: Carry = (x0, t0)

def body_fun(carry: Carry, xs: None) -> Tuple[Carry, None]:
def forward_euler_body_fun(carry: Carry, xs: None) -> Tuple[Carry, None]:
# Unpack the carry
x_t0, t0 = carry

Expand All @@ -78,48 +75,7 @@ def body_fun(carry: Carry, xs: None) -> Tuple[Carry, None]:

return carry, None

# Integrate over the given horizon
(x_tf, _), _ = jax.lax.scan(
f=body_fun, init=carry_init, xs=None, length=num_sub_steps

# Compute the aux dictionary at t0
_, aux_t0 = dx_dt(x0, t0)

return x_tf, aux_t0

def odeint_rk4_one_step(
dx_dt: StateDerivativeCallable,
x0: State,
t0: Time,
tf: Time,
num_sub_steps: int = 1,
) -> Tuple[State, Dict[str, Any]]:
Runge-Kutta 4 integrator.
dx_dt: Callable that computes the state derivative.
x0: Initial state.
t0: Initial time.
tf: Final time.
num_sub_steps: Number of sub-steps to break the integration into.
The final state and a dictionary including auxiliary data at t0.

# Compute the sub-step size.
# We break dt in configurable sub-steps.
dt = tf - t0
sub_step_dt = dt / num_sub_steps

# Initialize the carry
Carry = Tuple[State, Time]
carry_init: Carry = (x0, t0)

def body_fun(carry: Carry, xs: None) -> Tuple[Carry, None]:
def rk4_body_fun(carry: Carry, xs: None) -> Tuple[Carry, None]:
# Unpack the carry
x_t0, t0 = carry

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -148,49 +104,7 @@ def body_fun(carry: Carry, xs: None) -> Tuple[Carry, None]:

return carry, None

# Integrate over the given horizon
(x_tf, _), _ = jax.lax.scan(
f=body_fun, init=carry_init, xs=None, length=num_sub_steps

# Compute the aux dictionary at t0
_, aux_t0 = dx_dt(x0, t0)

return x_tf, aux_t0

def odeint_euler_semi_implicit_one_step(
dx_dt: StateDerivativeCallable,
x0: ODEState,
t0: Time,
tf: Time,
num_sub_steps: int = 1,
) -> Tuple[ODEState, Dict[str, Any]]:
Semi-implicit Euler integrator.
dx_dt: Callable that computes the state derivative.
x0: Initial state as ODEState object.
t0: Initial time.
tf: Final time.
num_sub_steps: Number of sub-steps to break the integration into.
A tuple having as first element the final state as ODEState object,
and as second element a dictionary including auxiliary data at t0.

# Compute the sub-step size.
# We break dt in configurable sub-steps.
dt = tf - t0
sub_step_dt = dt / num_sub_steps

# Initialize the carry
Carry = Tuple[ODEState, Time]
carry_init: Carry = (x0, t0)

def body_fun(carry: Carry, xs: None) -> Tuple[Carry, None]:
def semi_implicit_euler_body_fun(carry: Carry, xs: None) -> Tuple[Carry, None]:
# Unpack the carry
x_t0, t0 = carry

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -294,51 +208,9 @@ def body_fun(carry: Carry, xs: None) -> Tuple[Carry, None]:

return carry, None

# Integrate over the given horizon
(x_tf, _), _ = jax.lax.scan(
f=body_fun, init=carry_init, xs=None, length=num_sub_steps

# Compute the aux dictionary at t0
_, aux_t0 = dx_dt(x0, t0)

return x_tf, aux_t0

def odeint_euler_semi_implicit_manifold_one_step(
dx_dt: StateDerivativeCallable,
x0: ODEState,
t0: Time,
tf: Time,
num_sub_steps: int = 1,
) -> Tuple[ODEState, Dict[str, Any]]:
Semi-implicit Euler integrator with quaternion integration on SO(3).
dx_dt: Callable that computes the state derivative.
x0: Initial state as ODEState object.
t0: Initial time.
tf: Final time.
num_sub_steps: Number of sub-steps to break the integration into.
A tuple having as first element the final state as ODEState object,
and as second element a dictionary including auxiliary data at t0.

# Compute the sub-step size.
# We break dt in configurable sub-steps.
dt = tf - t0
sub_step_dt = dt / num_sub_steps

# Integrate the quaternion on its manifold using the new angular velocity

# Initialize the carry
Carry = Tuple[ODEState, Time]
carry_init: Carry = (x0, t0)

def body_fun(carry: Carry, xs: None) -> Tuple[Carry, None]:
def semi_implicit_euler_manifold_body_fun(
carry: Carry, xs: None
) -> Tuple[Carry, None]:
# Unpack the carry
x_t0, t0 = carry

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -436,34 +308,43 @@ def body_fun(carry: Carry, xs: None) -> Tuple[Carry, None]:

return carry, None

_integrator_registry = {
IntegratorType.RungeKutta4: rk4_body_fun,
IntegratorType.EulerForward: forward_euler_body_fun,
IntegratorType.EulerSemiImplicit: semi_implicit_euler_body_fun,
IntegratorType.EulerSemiImplicitManifold: semi_implicit_euler_manifold_body_fun,

# Get the body function for the selected integrator
body_fun = _integrator_registry[integrator_type]

# Integrate over the given horizon
(x_no_quat_tf, _), _ = jax.lax.scan(
(x_tf, _), _ = jax.lax.scan(
f=body_fun, init=carry_init, xs=None, length=num_sub_steps

# ---------------------------------------------
# 5. Integrate the quaternion on SO(3) manifold
# ---------------------------------------------
if integrator_type is IntegratorType.EulerSemiImplicitManifold:
# Indices to convert quaternions between serializations
to_xyzw = np.array([1, 2, 3, 0])
to_wxyz = np.array([3, 0, 1, 2])

# Indices to convert quaternions between serializations
to_xyzw = jnp.array([1, 2, 3, 0])
to_wxyz = jnp.array([3, 0, 1, 2])

# Get the initial quaternion and the implicitly integrated angular velocity
W_ω_WB_tf = x_no_quat_tf.physics_model.base_angular_velocity
W_Q_B_t0 = so3.SO3.from_quaternion_xyzw(x0.physics_model.base_quaternion[to_xyzw])
# Get the initial quaternion and the implicitly integrated angular velocity
W_ω_WB_tf = x_no_quat_tf.physics_model.base_angular_velocity
W_Q_B_t0 = so3.SO3.from_quaternion_xyzw(

# Integrate the quaternion on its manifold using the implicit angular velocity,
# transformed in body-fixed representation since jaxlie uses this convention
B_R_W = W_Q_B_t0.inverse().as_matrix()
W_Q_B_tf = W_Q_B_t0 @ so3.SO3.exp(tangent=dt * B_R_W @ W_ω_WB_tf)
# Integrate the quaternion on its manifold using the implicit angular velocity,
# transformed in body-fixed representation since jaxlie uses this convention
B_R_W = W_Q_B_t0.inverse().as_matrix()
W_Q_B_tf = W_Q_B_t0 @ so3.SO3.exp(tangent=dt * B_R_W @ W_ω_WB_tf)

# Store the quaternion in the final state
x_tf = x_no_quat_tf.replace(
# Store the quaternion in the final state
x_tf = x_no_quat_tf.replace(

# Compute the aux dictionary at t0
_, aux_t0 = dx_dt(x0, t0)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -526,94 +407,16 @@ def body_fun(carry: Tuple, idx: int) -> Tuple[Tuple, jtp.PyTree]:
# ===================================================================

def odeint_euler(
y0: State,
t: TimeHorizon,
num_sub_steps: int = 1,
return_aux: bool = False
) -> Union[State, Tuple[State, Dict[str, Any]]]:
Integrate a system of ODEs using the Euler method.
func: A function that computes the time-derivative of the state.
y0: The initial state.
t: The vector of time instants of the integration horizon.
*args: Additional arguments to be passed to the function func.
num_sub_steps: The number of sub-steps to be performed within each integration step.
return_aux: Whether to return the auxiliary data produced by the integrator.
The state of the system at the end of the integration horizon, and optionally
the auxiliary data produced by the integrator.

# Close func over additional inputs and parameters
dx_dt_closure_aux = lambda x, ts: func(x, ts, *args)

# Close one-step integration over its arguments
integrator_single_step = lambda t0, tf, x0: odeint_euler_one_step(
dx_dt=dx_dt_closure_aux, x0=x0, t0=t0, tf=tf, num_sub_steps=num_sub_steps

# Integrate the state and compute optional auxiliary data over the horizon
out, aux = integrate_single_step_over_horizon(
integrator_single_step=integrator_single_step, t=t, x0=y0

return (out, aux) if return_aux else out

def odeint_euler_semi_implicit(
y0: ODEState,
t: TimeHorizon,
num_sub_steps: int = 1,
return_aux: bool = False
) -> Union[ODEState, Tuple[ODEState, Dict[str, Any]]]:
Integrate a system of ODEs using the Semi-Implicit Euler method.
func: A function that computes the time-derivative of the state.
y0: The initial state as ODEState object.
t: The vector of time instants of the integration horizon.
*args: Additional arguments to be passed to the function func.
num_sub_steps: The number of sub-steps to be performed within each integration step.
return_aux: Whether to return the auxiliary data produced by the integrator.
The state of the system at the end of the integration horizon as ODEState object,
and optionally the auxiliary data produced by the integrator.

# Close func over additional inputs and parameters
dx_dt_closure_aux = lambda x, ts: func(x, ts, *args)

# Close one-step integration over its arguments
integrator_single_step = lambda t0, tf, x0: odeint_euler_semi_implicit_one_step(
dx_dt=dx_dt_closure_aux, x0=x0, t0=t0, tf=tf, num_sub_steps=num_sub_steps

# Integrate the state and compute optional auxiliary data over the horizon
out, aux = integrate_single_step_over_horizon(
integrator_single_step=integrator_single_step, t=t, x0=y0

return (out, aux) if return_aux else out

def odeint_rk4(
def odeint(
y0: State,
t: TimeHorizon,
method: str = "euler",
num_sub_steps: int = 1,
return_aux: bool = False
) -> Union[State, Tuple[State, Dict[str, Any]]]:
return_aux: bool = False,
integrator_type: IntegratorType = None,
Integrate a system of ODEs using the Runge-Kutta 4 method.
Expand All @@ -634,8 +437,13 @@ def odeint_rk4(
dx_dt_closure = lambda x, ts: func(x, ts, *args)

# Close one-step integration over its arguments
integrator_single_step = lambda t0, tf, x0: odeint_rk4_one_step(
dx_dt=dx_dt_closure, x0=x0, t0=t0, tf=tf, num_sub_steps=num_sub_steps
integrator_single_step = lambda t0, tf, x0: single_step(

# Integrate the state and compute optional auxiliary data over the horizon
Expand Down

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