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a project to create micro frontend nextjs app in seconds!

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Next JS micro front-end project

As you know the micro front-end is a new and very popular pattern to develop big front-end projects.

If you want to use only React.js or maybe other frameworks, There are several easy ways to do that, but in Next JS it will need a complex setup to do that, but this repository will help you!

There are some packages and ways to create a micro front-end based Next JS project, but they have some issues with Next JS:

  • You can not create routes in your micro project

  • It may run various local hosts to manage your micro-projects

  • You can not use Next JS server-side features such as getServerSideProps

  • You can not create API routes in micro-projects

  • It can create performance issues

  • You may need to install any packages you need for every micro-projects

This repository has solved all these problems!

How to use this project?

You need to install yarn first if you don't have it you can install it using :

npm install yarn -g

Then you have to install nodemon:

yarn add nodemon -g

After that, you can clone (or download and unzip) the repository and then in the root folder run yarn

And now you're ready to start the project!

yarn dev

How to add and sync a micro project?

  1. Copy the initialMicroProject to the projects directory and rename it as you wish.

  2. Open the micro project, and then open the package.json.

  3. Rename your project "name" to what you desire, But it should start with @ and have a / in it for example: @main/test-micro-project

  4. In your micro-project you will no longer use pages to make a route, you will use routes instead.

  5. open RoutesInfo.js and you should address your micro project in the routePath section for example if your project folder name is test you should write: routePath: "../test/routes"

(You have to come one directory up using ../ and then write your project path.

  1. open the main folder in the projects folder, find getRoutes.js and open it

  2. first require your micro-project RoutesInfo.js file in that file for example :

const dashboardRoutes = require("../dashboard/RoutesInfo");

  1. In the SetRoute function add your file to the array like this :


  1. We are done! now open your micro project and make your routes in the routes folder just like you do in Next JS.

But there is an important note :

You can not use your file in your micro-project like used to do.

You have to create another folder at the root of your micro-project (the name doesn't matter I will use pages for example)

You create a component in the pages folder in then you will import and use it in your routes like this :

import MainPage from "@main/test/pages/main/main";

@main/test is the name you chose in your micro-project package.json

That's it!

Now you can write your code (outside of the routes folder, in any other place).

How to use API routes?

just like you create normal pages, you should create a folder called api in routes folder

Then import your server-side code from another folder (like you do to create pages)

this is an example of how you can use it :

(this is in the routes folder)

import {RequestHandler} from "@main/dashboard/apis/testAPI/index";


export default function handler (req, res) {

RequestHandler(req, res);


How to use things like getServerSideProps ?

As you can see in example pages there are next server-side functions commented.

You should have another file to handle the functions.

This should be in your routes folder

export const getServerSideProps = async(ctx) => {

const props = SSR.functions.getServerSideProps(ctx);

return props;


and in another folder that you create your page you have to use this template :

const ServerSideFunctions = {

getServerSideProps: true,

getStaticProps: true,

getStaticPaths: true,


const getServerSideProps = async (ctx) => {


return {

props: {

hello: "world",




const getStaticProps = async (ctx) => {

return {

props: {},



const getStaticPaths = async (ctx) => {

return {

paths: [


params: {},



fallback: "blocking",



export default function getSSRFunctions() {

let SSRfunctions = {

status: ServerSideFunctions,

functions: {

getServerSideProps: getServerSideProps,

getStaticProps: getStaticProps,




return SSRfunctions;


and import it in your route as you know :

import getSSRFunctions from "@main/test/pages/main/ServerSide";

That's it leave the routes folder and write your code in ServerSide.js (for e.g) file!

Using tests:

This repository uses cypress you can write tests in the cypress folder (root folder of the project)

these commands are defined to use :

yarn cypress:run-all-tests : run all tests in terminal

yarn cypress:run-test : run a single spec test file

cypress:run-project : --- not currently available to use ---

How to install a package?

To install a package that you can access in all of your micro-projects you should use the command in the root folder (not in your micro-project folder) :

yarn add package-name -W

example micro-projects :

there are some examples of micro-projects with :

Material UI and configuration,,

Axios, SWR, ...

In the end, I want to mention a few things:

  • This project is a new project, and It's in the beginning stage of development, so it's not currently stable.
  • If I see that people like this project, and It's worth spending time, I will add some perfect features
  • You can contact me using: [email protected]
  • Please if you like this project, like and share the GitHub repository.


  • Create an NPM package, so you can create a project or a micro project using a command like these:

    npx create-mf-next-app app-name


    npx add-micro-project micro-project-name --template mui

  • improve the document and examples (maybe creating a website)

*Add a command-line tool with these features:

get all routes

detect duplicated routes paths



a project to create micro frontend nextjs app in seconds!






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