IMPORTANT: This bot is not supposed to use for cheating. It does not give a great advantage for the player because the gold is not the most valuable resource in the game.
This bot shows how you can use the Android MonkerRunner to emulate user actions.
clone into $ANDROID_SDK_ROOT\tools\bin
cd $ANDROID_SDK_ROOT\tools\bin
monkeyrunner.bat artsofwarbot/ runloop
This bot is device-specific. It is created on Samsung A50. On your device, you will have different button screens and different button positions.
You have to edit buttons array and images in buttons folder.
buttons = [
'x': 325,
'y': 1922,
'width': 420,
'height': 114,
'imgfile': 'main-screen-fight.png',
'img': None
You can take a screenshot with snapshot command.