is a lifter from JAR/APK files to a Soot-like Python IR.
The master
branch supports Python 3, the py2k
branch supports Python2.
pip install .
from pysoot.lifter import Lifter
input_file = "tests/test_samples/simple1.jar" # the jar/apk you want to analyze
lifter = Lifter(input_file) # the default IR is Shimple, the default input_format is jar
classes = lifter.classes # get the IR of all the classes (as a dict of classes)
print(classes[list(classes.keys())[0]]) # print the IR of one of the translated classes
Many other examples are in tests/
- Java. Currently tested using OpenJDK 8 (
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
Other components used by pysoot
, used for accessing Java from Python.soot-trunk.jar
. This is a slightly modified version of the pre-compiled Soot JAR. At some point, I will upload its source code and the compilation script somewhere.pysoot
should also work with a normal version ofsoot-trunk.jar
works by running Soot (compiled in the embedded soot-trunk.jar
) using jpype, in
to translate the JAR/APK file to a Soot-like Python IR.
Classes in pysoot.sootir
provide the exposed IR.