This repository is where Anti-Fraud CG proposals are discussed before being turned into their own repositories.
Join the Community Group. Before contributing a proposal, please join the CG. This is to ensure that all contributions to the Community Group are covered by the W3C Community Contributor License Agreement (CLA).
Proposing. File a new issue in which you state the problem and proposal. Please check whether there are current or shelved proposals that match your proposal.
Community Discussion. The CG will discuss the proposal and determine whether it should be adopted or needs further refinement and specification.
Refinement. Once the proposal has been discussed and adopted, we'll spin it off as a separate work item in its own repository for continued development and refinement.
Standards Track. Once the proposal is ready for standardization, it will be migrated form the Community Group to an appropriate standards body (WHATWG, WebAppSec, etc).
As a W3C Community Group, all work and communication within the Anti-Fraud CG is covered by the W3C Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.