Copyright (c) 2021-2025 Antmicro
This repository contains tasks for laboratories for the "Optimization of Neural Network applications for IoT devices" course.
Each of the l<number>_<topic>
directories in the dl_in_iot_course
module contain a separate README with the list of tasks.
Please follow the links to go to the list of tasks:
- Lab 02 - Quantization with TensorFlow Lite
- Lab 03 - Pruning and clustering with TensorFlow Model Optimization Toolkit
- Lab 04 - Introduction to Apache TVM
- Lab 05 - Implementing a TensorFlow Lite delegate
- Lab 06 - Fine-tuning of model and operations in Apache TVM
- Lab 07 - Accelerating ML models on FPGAs with TFLite Micro and CFU Playground
Each README provides instructions on:
- What to do in the tasks
- How to run experiments
- How to prepare the summary
Git LFS tool is required to pull large files, such as models.
Install it before cloning the repository.
To clone the repository with all models, run:
git clone --recursive
cd dl-in-iot-course/models
git lfs pull
cd ..
The recommended approach is to use a Docker image that provides all dependencies necessary for running tasks from the project.
The definition for the Docker image is located in environments
To pull the built image, run:
docker pull
To run it and automatically include the current workspace directory, you can run:
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -w $(pwd) /bin/bash
From this point, you can run tasks for the project.
The dependencies for tasks are provided in the requirements.txt
To install them, first create a virtual environment with venv
in project's directory:
python3 -m venv .venv
After this, activate the environment:
source ./.venv/bin/activate
And proceed with installing necessary dependencies:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
In order to handle Python modules for the project easily, all of the executable scripts should be started from the root of the repository, i.e.:
python3 -m dl_in_iot_course.l02_quantization.quantization_experiments -h