C++ implementation of Apache Iceberg™.
- CMake 3.25 or higher
- C++20 compliant compiler
cd iceberg-cpp
cmake --build build
ctest --test-dir build --output-on-failure
cmake --install build
cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install -DICEBERG_BUILD_BUNDLE=ON
cmake --build build
ctest --test-dir build --output-on-failure
cmake --install build
cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/arrow -DICEBERG_BUILD_BUNDLE=ON
cmake --build build
ctest --test-dir build --output-on-failure
cmake --install build
After installing the core libraries, you can build the examples:
cd iceberg-cpp/example
cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/install
cmake --build build
If you are using provided Apache Arrow, you need to include /path/to/arrow
as below.
cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="/path/to/install;/path/to/arrow"
Apache Iceberg is an active open-source project, governed under the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). Iceberg-cpp is open to people who want to contribute to it. Here are some ways to get involved:
- Submit Issues for bug report or feature requests.
- Discuss at dev mailing list (subscribe / unsubscribe / archives)
- Talk to the community directly at Slack #cpp channel.
The Apache Iceberg community is built on the principles described in the Apache Way and all who engage with the community are expected to be respectful, open, come with the best interests of the community in mind, and abide by the Apache Foundation Code of Conduct.
Install the python package pre-commit
and run once pre-commit install
pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install
This will setup a git pre-commit-hook that is executed on each commit and will report the linting problems. To run all hooks on all files use pre-commit run -a
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0