Seata-go 2.0.0
Seata-go 2.0.0 Released.
Seata-go is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.
The version is updated as follows:
- [#659] support compress for AT undo log
- [#574] support file and nacos service registry
- [#584] support the ConsistentHash load balancing strategy in the remoting module
- [#585] support the LeastActive load balancing strategy in the remoting module
- [#605] support the discovery service of Etcd
- [#622] add round robin strategy of remote call
- [#691] support protobuf undo log parser
- [#738] remove session when send heart beat message failed
- [#739] support automatic refresh functionality for table meta cache
- [#540] fix init XA panic bug
- [#590] fix some repo error
- [#595] check the response error is nil for commit or rollback
- [#607] fix the bug of jackson serialize
- [#665] reclaim the heartbeat response message to avoid memory leakage of GettyRemoting.future
- [#672] fix AT rollback bug
- [#674] fix XA rollback bug
- [#690] fix AT undo log jackson parser not found bug
- [#701] fix the InsertOnDuplicateUpdate is an issue with bypassing modifying the primary key
- [#717] support XA report state to TC
- [#724] support ParenthesesExpr for SQL parser
- [#736] fix SQL statement not closed's bug
- [#743] fix bug of gomonkey
- [#749] fix bug of heart beat
- [#576] use mirromutth/mysql-action instead of icomponent/mysql-action
- [#594] optimize the log of branch commit procesor
- [#621] add codeql for ci
- [#631] upgrade crypto version from 0.9.0 to 0.17.0
- [#652] upgrade gRPC version from 1.51.0 ro 1.56.3
- [#667] change mailbox of issues and pull requests from dev to notifications
- [#678] rename module name to seata.apache.org/seata-go
- [#679] upgrade getty version from 1.4.9 to 1.4.10
- [#714] optimize the speed of build lock key
- [#719] only save insertd filed when execute insert SQL in AT
- [#721] fix the issue where the translation bot is not working
- [#758] remove unusen files
- [#570] add collection unit test
- [#571] add convert unit test
- [#572] add reflectx unit test
- [#5835f0] add random loadbalance unit test
- [#599] add xid loadbalance unit test
- [#614] upgrade the unknown license dependency
- [#632] add ASF basic config
- [#633] optimize ASF basic config to remove th context check
- [#644] optimize readme file
- [#686] add more linter in ci
- [#737] modify the readme file and update the currently completed work
- [#756] update license checker
Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission.
- luky116
- Code-Fight
- wt-better
- luweiqianyi
- wang1309
- 576470954
- No-SilverBullet
- solisamicus
- marsevilspirit
- lxfeng1997
- AlexStocks
- smiletrl
- ptyin
- yizhibian
- oldmee
- air-3
- slievrly
- xjlgod
- baerwang
- xyombo
- testwill
- jasondeng1997
- jsbxyyx
- iSuperCoder
- georgehao
- liuyuecai
- 106umao
- FinnTew
- funky-eyes
- tanzegen
- lovepoem
Also, we receive many valuable issues, questions and advices from our community. Thanks all.