This project implements docker compose and postman collection for an information system capable of providing real-time information on buildings and infrastructure during emergencies, with the aim of improving the management of people transportation and ensuring population safety.
This system employ several FIWARE tecnologies.
It use:
- Fiware Orion
- Fiware Keyrock
- Fiware IOTAgent UL
- Fiware IOTAgent lora
- Fiware Wilma
- Fiware perseo
The project require, python, invoke python package and python-loadenv python package.
then type:
invoke -c services build step2-ld
setup orion
newman run -e Local.postman_environment.json --folder "Add Bridges to Orion" --folder "Add Brindisi's Bridges to Orion" --folder "Add service to IOT Agent" --folder "Add devices to IOT Agent WITH RELATIONSHP ATTR" --folder "Add Brindisi's devices to IOT Agent WITH RELATIONSHP ATTR" 0_BData_project.postman_collection.json
add subscription
newman run -e Local.postman_environment.json --folder "Subscribe flaskdash to orion sensors Height changes" --folder "Subscribe flaskdash to orion building changes" --folder "Subscribe Quantum Leap" 0_BData_project.postman_collection.json
add apps id to keyrock
newman run -e Local.postman_environment.json --folder "Keyrock_login" --folder "get token info" --folder "Add application" --folder "Create new pep proxy" --folder "Create new IOT Agent" 0_BData_project.postman_collection.json --reporters cli,json --reporter-json-export outputfile.json --verbose --export-environment Local.postman_environment_with_runtime_tokens.json
invoke -c services pepproxy-build
newman run -e Local.postman_environment_with_runtime_tokens.json --folder "IOT sensor request Access Token from Keyrock" --folder "Add authenticate measure with sensor" 0_BData_project.postman_collection.json --reporters cli,json --reporter-json-export outputfile.json --verbose
invoke -c services flaskdash-build
You can start services after a reboot with:
invoke -c services docker-start-compose